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Climate Denial Crock of the Week – Don’t it make my Green World Brown

August 30, 2010

Deniers often will tell you that CO2 is a good thing, because it makes plants and crops grow faster. Under ideal conditions, this is true. But scientists have been studying the effects of increasing CO2 in the real world…. Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Top 3 Finalists for the 2007 World Car of the Year Awards

August 18, 2010

KPMG, a global network of professional firms providing audit, tax, and advisory, as well as accounting services has released the top three contenders for the third annual World Car of the Year (WCOTY) awards. WCOTY is a program organized and conducted by renowned automotive journalists from all over the world. Jurors have completed the […]

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GM at the World Expo in Shanghai – Forum #3

August 15, 2010

GM Forum Highlights Impact of Electrification on Future Vehicles · GM highlights electric vehicle development leadership and local plans · Global battery electric vehicle demo fleet program to be launched by GM · Experts discuss direction and promise of electrification General Motors hosted the Electrification — Plugging into the Future forum at the SAIC-GM Pavilion […]

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Recycle, make the right choice save the world.

August 15, 2010

This is a project for my school and work. This video begs you to make a good choice, when dumping things that could be recycled. Made on a budget ofzero dollars, this film takes you to a landfill and a recycling plant in San Jose California. I filmed edited made music and thought of this […]

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[TOP 50] RPG World Map Themes #1 Final Fantasy VI

August 8, 2010

Download link(TOP 50): HQ: Composed by: Nobuo Uematsu Platform: Snes/PSX ~RULES~ -Max 2 per game and 4 per serie -Only music from original sound tracks or gamerips. I’m including world map themes where you CAN’T walk freely. So I consider games like wild arms 4 or final fantasy tactics too, not only games […]

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Brandix achieves world first in eco-friendly manufacture

July 23, 2010

Sri Lanka’s apparel sector inspiration Brandix has achieved a world first across all sectors, with its Green Factory in Seeduwa becoming the first apparel manufacturing facility in the world to be rated Platinum under the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Green Building Rating System of the US Green Building Council (USGBC). Enjoyed this […]

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Recycling Lessons From The Developing World

July 16, 2010

The concept of recycling in Canada is very different from what you might see in impoverished countries in Africa, Asia, and South America. Richer societies can afford to waste leftovers, whether in the form of food, packaging, clothing, or energy. We also pay to have our recyclables taken away, whereas the developing world reuses almost […]

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The World in a Garden – Vancouver

June 25, 2010

The World in a Garden is an Urban Agriculture Project that connects youth and community to the culture, nutrition and production of growing organic food. Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Recycling Tips From World War Two

June 16, 2010

Many people think of recycling as a recent phenomenon of the green revolution however there is evidence of recycling from as far back as 400BC. During the Second World War resources were scarce and the Government ran massive recycling campaigns to ensure nothing was wasted Households were asked to wash their recyclables before putting them […]

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James Delingpole on Alex Jones 2of5: A new world order of ‘eco-friendly’ corporate fascism.

May 24, 2010

2009/12/21 James Delingpole, the best-selling author and Daily Telegraph blogger who’s tirelessly covered Climategate, meets Alex to talk about warmist nazism, net censorship, and mindless libtards. When Big Govt, Big Business, and Big Green collude to create a fascist new world order, you’d better watch out and get active. www.prisonplanet.tvFAIR USE […]

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Renewable Energy Like Solar Energy Can Prevent the World From Devastation…………

May 23, 2010

Our body needs energy to work and in the same way, a machine needs electricity or energy of any substance to run. For different machines and automobiles we use different means of energy such as; Coal, petroleum and natural gas. But these days the use of renewable energy is in vogue which is the energy […]

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