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[TOP 50] RPG World Map Themes #19 SMT: Digital Devil Saga

December 20, 2010

Composed by: Shoji Meguro Platform: Playstation 2 ~RULES~ -Max 2 per game and 4 per serie -Only music from original sound tracks or gamerips. I’m including world map themes where you CAN’T walk freely. So I consider games like wild arms 4 or final fantasy tactics too, not only games with the classic world map. […]

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[TOP 50] RPG World Map Themes #15 Star Ocean 2

December 16, 2010

Composed by: Motoi Sakuraba Platform: Playstation ~RULES~ -Max 2 per game and 4 per serie -Only music from original sound tracks or gamerips. I’m including world map themes where you CAN’T walk freely. So I consider games like wild arms 4 or final fantasy tactics too, not only games with the classic world map. Like […]

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[TOP 50] RPG World Map Themes #21 Final Fantasy III DS

December 15, 2010

Composed by: Nobuo Uematsu Platform: Nintendo DS ~RULES~ -Max 2 per game and 4 per serie -Only music from original sound tracks or gamerips. I’m including world map themes where you CAN’T walk freely. So I consider games like wild arms 4 or final fantasy tactics too, not only games with the classic world map. […]

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[TOP 50] RPG World Map Themes #14 Genso Suikoden 2

December 13, 2010

Composed by: Miki Higashino Platform: Playstation ~RULES~ -Max 2 per game and 4 per serie -Only music from original sound tracks or gamerips. I’m including world map themes where you CAN’T walk freely. So I consider games like wild arms 4 or final fantasy tactics too, not only games with the classic world map. Like […]

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[TOP 50] RPG World Map Themes #13 Chrono Trigger

December 12, 2010

Composed by: Yasunori Mitsuda Platform: Snes ~RULES~ -Max 2 per game and 4 per serie -Only music from original sound tracks or gamerips. I’m including world map themes where you CAN’T walk freely. So I consider games like wild arms 4 or final fantasy tactics too, not only games with the classic world map. Like […]

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[TOP 50] RPG World Map Themes #10 Terranigma

December 11, 2010

Stereo Sound: Composed by: Miyoko Kobayashi, Masanori Hikichi Platform: Snes ~RULES~ -Max 2 per game and 4 per serie -Only music from original sound tracks or gamerips. I’m including world map themes where you CAN’T walk freely. So I consider games like wild arms 4 or final fantasy tactics too, not only games with […]

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[TOP 50] RPG World Map Themes #8 Xenogears

December 8, 2010

HQ: Composed by: Yasunori Mitsuda Platform: Playstation ~RULES~ -Max 2 per game and 4 per serie -Only music from original sound tracks or gamerips. I’m including world map themes where you CAN’T walk freely. So I consider games like wild arms 4 or final fantasy tactics too, not only games with the classic world […]

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[TOP 50] RPG World Map Themes #11 Tales of Destiny

December 2, 2010

Stereo Sound: Composed by: Motoi Sakuraba Platform: Playstation ~RULES~ -Max 2 per game and 4 per serie -Only music from original sound tracks or gamerips. I’m including world map themes where you CAN’T walk freely. So I consider games like wild arms 4 or final fantasy tactics too, not only games with the classic […]

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Kriss Roxx Sings Heal The World (A Capella)

December 1, 2010

A Michael Jackson Tribute… Kriss performed this song during an Earth Day Celebration when she was in the 5th grade and eversince she has been a self-proclaimed advocate for Clean and Green Earth. She has been wanting to share her passion to help save the Earth, but who will listen to an ordinary person? She […]

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Timberland’s Jeffrey Swartz at the World Savers Congress

November 30, 2010

Part 2/2. Jeffrey B. Swartz, Timberland’s president and CEO, speaks at Condé Nast Traveler’s World Savers Congress. Recorded in New York City, Sept. 21, 2009 Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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[TOP 50] RPG World Map Themes #9 Wild Arms

November 29, 2010

HQ: Composed by: Michiko Naruke Platform: Playstation ~RULES~ -Max 2 per game and 4 per serie -Only music from original sound tracks or gamerips. I’m including world map themes where you CAN’T walk freely. So I consider games like wild arms 4 or final fantasy tactics too, not only games with the classic world […]

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