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What has just happened in Iran? Was it a revolution, or something entirely different? Whatever the West may make of it, Pepe Escobar argues the 1979 Islamic revoluti…


World Business: Climate Witness & Climate Conversations 3 11/12/09

February 3, 2010

World Business: With COP 15, the all-important United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen in full swing, World Business brings you the final part in our series looking at both the peopl… Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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World Business: Climate Witness & Climate Conversations 3 11/12/09

February 1, 2010

World Business: With COP 15, the all-important United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen in full swing, World Business brings you the final part in our series looking at both the peopl… Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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World Business: Climate Witness & Climate Conversations 3 11/12/09

February 1, 2010

World Business: With COP 15, the all-important United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen in full swing, World Business brings you the final part in our series looking at both the peopl… Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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World Business: Climate Witness & Climate Conversations 3 11/12/09

February 1, 2010

World Business: With COP 15, the all-important United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen in full swing, World Business brings you the final part in our series looking at both the peopl… Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Let The Earth Bear Witness

January 23, 2010

Images of the Iranian protesters, the Sea of Green, with music sung & played by The Waterboys and words by W.B.Yeats. Edited by Ian Barratt Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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