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What is a Green Carpenter

December 24, 2009

Nowadays, the campaign to save Mother Earth is everywhere. The Earth Hour was initiated around the world to conserve energy through simultaneous turning off electricity-consuming equipment. Almost any household product has modified into using non-toxic and ozone-friendly components. There are various ways of implementing environmental consciousness. The career outlook for a green carpenter is good. […]

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What to Look for in a “Green” Home

December 21, 2009

An owner of a certified green house is assured of a premium over and above the market price. Green houses are the most sought after houses by potential buyers and tenants. The demand for the green houses is substantially higher compared to their supply and hence their ability to command more than the market price. […]

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What Is Reduce Reuse Recycle ?

December 20, 2009

The Environmental Protection Agency wants you to learn the three “R’s” when it comes to your trash. Those three words are very important if you want to continue living on a clean planet and one that is not overflowing with yesterday’s garbage. Reduce reuse recycle is your mantra to repeat to yourself each time […]

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What Does the Green Movement Mean to You?

December 20, 2009

What does the green movement mean to you? This may seem like a silly question, but it’s a question I have been asking myself lately. There is really no rite answer to this question; it is simply a way of thinking about the hundreds of different things that have become part of the green movement […]

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What to Look for in a “Green” Home

December 19, 2009

If“Go Green” is your motto then you should lookout for Green Homes. For a buyer getting a “Green Certified” home can be more or less a prize trophy. There are several real estate website that advertise for “green certified” homes with the aim of providing the residents with not just an Eco-friendly environment but also […]

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Dietary & Health Information : What Foods Are Natural Diuretics?

December 17, 2009

Natural diuretic foods that are healthy include many fruits and vegetables, but there are also unhealthy diuretics such as alcohol and caffeine. Increase the intake of healthy diuretics that help c… Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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What Green Building Means

December 13, 2009

There’s a lot of talk in real estate about green building lately, but the phrase is still a little vague. Here’s a guide to understanding a few key terms, so you can investigate whether or not a potential home is truly eco-friendly. Insulation and Building: Many new buildings are being insulated with recycled […]

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What Recycling Centers Are There In New Mexico That Recycle Glass?

December 12, 2009

{questions} Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Gas What

December 12, 2009

This was the 2 minute video we made to capture the idea of our GAS WHAT show idea. Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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What is Natural Living?

December 12, 2009

I’m sure that if I took a poll I would get a jillion answers.  Some of these would probably be:  spending more time with nature, going green, living off the grid, growing your own food, buying local, and reducing your carbon footprint.  In general, walking more gently upon the Earth, and living in harmony with […]

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If A Car Does Not Produce Heat Or Sound, And Uses Gas To Go Somewhere, What Happens To The Energy?

December 9, 2009

{questions} Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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