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Ways To Keep Your Garden Green

December 8, 2009

There are many things we do to add a little splash of color to our summer gardens but we often fail to focus on keeping our summer gardens looking lush and green just a little bit longer even though we know that by doing so we are essentially prolonging the life and therefore our enjoyment […]

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Reusable Bags and Other Ways to Save Money and Go Green

December 8, 2009

People often look a “going green” as an investment in the planet. They often don’t realize that green living can be a great way to save money as well. Here’s a couple quick and easy things you can do to save the planet and some money: First, using reusable shopping bags. This can have both […]

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Recycling Means Saving In More Ways Than One

December 4, 2009

This great big planet seems to be getting smaller and smaller. As more people call it home, the need to conserve, preserve and recycle is becoming more and more evident. While it’s not possible for one person to solve all the world’s problems when it comes to preservation and conservation, a single human can make […]

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18 Ways To Stop Cat Urine Odor.

December 3, 2009

Save Money And Time By Applying Proven Solutions To Get Rid Of Cat Urine Odor In Your Home. 18 Ways To Stop Cat Urine Odor. Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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The Produce Garden-10 Ways For A More Eco Friendly Home, 6-1

December 2, 2009

it starts at home friends! Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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10 Ways to Green Yourself

November 27, 2009

10 Ways to Green Yourself   #1.  Start Sustainable. Sustainability is the ability of an eco system to maintain ecological processes, functions, and productivity into the future. You can use products that are sustainable, and are always replenishing themselves, such as fast growing bamboo.   #2. Recycle everything. Don’t stop at recycling your plastic bottles […]

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8 Eco-friendly Ways To Wrap Gifts With Newspaper

November 17, 2009

This video shows 8 easy and eco-friendly ways to wrap gifts with newspaper. Produced by Eco-Artware. Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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3 Ways Living Green Can Save You Money

November 16, 2009

  Living green is becoming a way of life more and more everyday for more and more people. People are more aware of the danger this world is in from global warming and the green house effect. I have noticed that big companies are even adopting the living green way of doing things. Car […]

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