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Industry Speaker: Construction Concrete = 7% global CO2 emissions – global warming impact – Keynote

August 29, 2011 Cement production responsible for 7% global co2 emissions, 1 ton of concrete uses 1 ton of carbon, impact of real estate construction industry on global warming. Development of property, energy saving, life expectancy of buildings. Longevity extensions. Making buildings last longer before demolition. Lifetime energy consumption. Building regulations and government action to reduce global […]

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Global Warming Warning 1984 US Government

April 15, 2011

This was clipped from the 1984 US Government film, The Climate Factor, produced by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and recently made available at the Internet Archives. For more information about an exciting and innovative approach to dealing with global warming , go to the website of the Blue Green Alliance at: […]

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Global Warming – Consulting Boom on Carbon and Energy …

March 29, 2011 Growth market for technical consulting on climate change and energy savings. $40 trillion carbon boom — new business opportunities mostly with relatively short pay back period. Innovation, technology and ingenuity. War for talent. Attracting talented young people into real estate industry, buildings controls. Defining a clear mission. Exciting image, rapid change, big investment. Strong […]

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Global Warming – cutting peak energy demand, surges, …

March 9, 2011

Power surges, peak energy consumption Peak electricity consumption, power cuts, brownouts, cold and hot days. Reducing peak demand. Intelligent metering and automatic meter readings. Cost per megawatt hour, mwhr. Reducing energy demand with better insulation, balancing air conditioning, more efficient heating. Intelligent buildings, off peak electricity and variable pricing, with weather variable discounts and […]

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Another Afternoon with Zeus: Global Warming

February 6, 2011

A kids show that needs to be taken to television. Created, Produced, Edited, and whatever else you can think of by Adrian (Leftie) (All characters voices done by Adrian as well) Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Engine Block Warming Controller

January 12, 2011

This equipment is a genuing energy and money saving add on to your Vehicle, I can save the user over $220.00 in one cold weather season by cutting the actual time of use and “if needed because of outside temperature” duration your consumption of electricity to pre-warm your Diesel or Gas engine prior to cold […]

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40% energy = buildings: offices waste energy global warming

November 26, 2010

How long buildings last — scandal Scandal of short life of commercial buildings. Building and demolition costs and lifetime energy use of corporate real estate. 30 — 40 year life expectancy of buildings. Buildings decay, poor design of corporate real estate. Head ofcorporate real estate. Corporate real estate portfolio management. Retrofitting costs to increase […]

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Energy Smart Lighbulbs – Saving us from Gobal Warming

November 16, 2010 – Energy Smart lightbulbs simply makes your energy consumption being reduced while you save money on your common lighting bills.For further info visit http Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Alex Jones Tv:Schwarzenegger’s Global Warming PR Stunt Backfires!!

November 12, 2010

Arnie invokes Holdrens absurd alarmism about sea levels in desperate effort to prop up crumbling edifice of climate change scam. Paul Joseph Watson Hitler-admiring Governor of California Arnold Schwarzenegger is having to resort to his wobbly acting skills in a desperate effort to rescue the crumbling edifice of the global warming fraud by recycling […]

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Global warming – save 40% global emissions from buildings

September 16, 2010

Energy saving in office buildings — global warming www.globalchange.comGlobal warming impact from offices and commercial buildings, skyscrapers, tower blocks and corporate real estate. Energy efficiency and energy consumption of commercial buildings and office blocks. Balancing air conditioning systems with better building control systems (integrated temperature monitoring) can save over 30% of energy costs each year. […]

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