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Robin Stockwell of Succulent Gardens Growing Grounds in Castroville, CA Robin describes the Living Wall System he is using to create green walls for Organic Mechanics Landscaping, for use in their Show Garden at the 2010 SF Flower & Garden Show.


Smartblockplus English New building tecnology of costruction concrete reinforced monolith wall.

July 19, 2011 Innovative technology construction of Science & Emerging Technologies: Application of building energy saving The innovative technology Fortified insulated concrete forms by formwork blocks thermal acoustic “remain” EPS SmartBlockPlus o ICF for safer living program specifies construction of building echo compatible , design and landscaping guidelines to increase a new home’s resistance to natural disaster […]

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ICF vs. CMU – Wall surface area

June 1, 2011

ARXX Steel ICF blocks are 9 times the size of standard cinder blocks (concrete masonry units), but are about 1/3 the weight, creating a labor advantage of over 27 times. In other words, move one ARXX Steel block into place in the wall and you’ve done 1/27 of the work required to move 9 CMUs […]

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Soundproofing a Bedroom to Family Room Wall

February 15, 2011

In this video you’ll see a relatively easy way to deter sound transmission between a bedroom and family room addition my company is building. I’m using QuietRock, Hilti Putty Pads, Spray foam, and Acoustical Sealant to reduce sound transmission. -Matt Risinger Principle of Risinger Homes an Austin TX based High Performance Green Builder and Remodeler […]

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lfs close to wall

February 7, 2011

Drifters: blue car:PowerDrifter green car: MarTy008(CZ) twin and close to walls and too kiss the walls 😀 sorry for little boring music 😀 Thanx for watching….. ;D Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Perform Wall: recycled styrofoam as building material

January 23, 2011

It’s not just recycled Styrofoam (or polystyrene), but a building material with a high R value. Original content here: Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Wall Street 2 Trailer – Deleted Scene (Michael Douglas Greed is Good & Environment)

September 26, 2010 Green is Good. Michael Douglas as Gordon Gekko recreates the famous Greed Is Good scene from Wall Street in Wall Street 2 with Oliver Stone… sorta. Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Josh Samples – Living Wall

September 9, 2010

Visit for more information. Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Handmade Paper Wall Art from Antique Sheet Music Scraps

September 3, 2010

Image taken on 2007-08-29 09:59:34 by Elizabeth Abernathy. Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Green Energy Efficient, Hurricane Resistant, Cost Effective and Mold Resistant Concrete Wall System

August 8, 2010

OMNICRETE is the greenest, most eco-friendly, earth protective, inorganic, economic and sustainable, patented construction process ever constructed anywhere in the world focused on “renewable” materials throughout it’s process! This remarkable process has verifiable heating & A/C energy savings of over 70%, is double the wind-load building code requirements over 300 mph, fire proof, termite proof […]

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Wall Tile That Will Make You Feel Awesome

July 22, 2010

I don’t know about you, but I thought that I have been there, done that and got the t-shirt when it comes to wall tile. I never imagined that I would ever experience the awesome feeling of seeing something new and breathtaking in the world of wall tile. Was I living in a cave wearing […]

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