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John shares with you his suburban homestead where he is growing the majority of his food. Remove your lawn and grow food. Start your victory garden today! See what he has done with only 1/10th of an acre of land.


Miracles like The Victory Garden at The Vets Quarters on Tunnel Rd. are Happening In Asheville NC

December 18, 2010

ABCCM is an Asheville NC Charity & Ministry that has a Veterans Restoration Shelter at 1329 Tunnel Rd. that helps vets get back on their feet from homelessness, substance abuse, coping skills, post war stress and other problems. The center has many outreach programs for the men to gain new careers and attitudes about life. […]

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Slow Food Nation Victory Garden

December 24, 2009

Victory Garden at San Francisco’s City Hall Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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