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Cal Green With Huell Howser: Vegetable Oil Car 1 Of 3

December 29, 2009

Episode #116. Part 1 of 3 Joel Wolf is an innovator. He has created a conversion system that allows his car to run on discarded cooking oil from local restaurants near his home in Ojai. Huell visi… Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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How To Protect Your Raised Organic Vegetable Garden The Movie

December 22, 2009

Now that you have made that great organic vegetable garden, how do you get everything else from eating it? here is one way… this video is about 10 min long Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Vegetable Gardening – 5 Tips For A Perfect Vegetable Garden!

December 18, 2009

There are no second opinions about the fact that vegetable gardening is a much more satisfying experience than any other form of gardening. This is more so because one gets the opportunity to relish the dishes made out of ones own produce. However, vegetable gardening is also not as easy as other types of gardening […]

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Manure Vs. Fertilizer- Which Should be Used in Your Organic Vegetable Garden?

December 17, 2009

Vegetable gardeners with experience know that what you put in the soil is one of the deciding factors when it comes to the amount and quality of fruits and vegetables your plants produce. Without the right plant food, nothing else you do is going to matter, and your crops are doomed to fail. The soil […]

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How To Plant Winter Vegetable Gardens : Spacing Tips For Vegetable Gardens

December 15, 2009

Vegetable gardens are a great way to produce your own organic food. Learn tips for spacing your vegetables in a garden in this free video. Expert: David Rodriguez Bio: David Rodriguez is the Coun… Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Vegetable Garden | Potager Montage Natgreeneveg Spring 2009

December 11, 2009

European potager themed vegetable garden. Organically grown heirloom vegetables, fruit, flowers, and herbs on a 2300 sq ft plot. No synthetic fertilizers used, 9 years of compost added annually. In… Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Grow Some Vegetable in Your Garden

December 9, 2009

As a child, I remember many sunny summer afternoons sitting on the porch shelling more than my fair share of peas and butter beans in the deep dark heart of the old south. There were other vegetables we grew in our summer gardens that had to be picked and stored for winter but the peas […]

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A Tasty Vegetable Garden – Instantly

December 4, 2009

We all know the advantages of organic food and many of us now have allotments allowing us to grow our own vegetables for the table. However, gardening isn’t easy and anybody who tells you different is having you on. Not only does it take an awful lot of work to ensure the ground is perfect […]

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Free Organic Vegetable Gardening At Home.

December 3, 2009

Learn How To Start Up Or Enhance Your Own Organic Vegetable Garden At Home. Everyone Can Save Money On Food Bills And Produce Superior Fruit And Vegetables. Free Organic Vegetable Gardening At Home. Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Planting and Growing an Organic Vegetable Garden

December 1, 2009

If you don’t already have your own compost, check with your local municipality. Most give away leaf compost for free. Some even deliver by the truckload to your home! Leaf compost is very rich in organic matter; however, it still needs a few amendments. Lime added to your compost will balance the Ph and […]

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The Different Styles of Vegetable Gardening

November 30, 2009

Each gardener has his own set of characteristics that make him fit for certain gardening styles. If you know yourself and the right gardening style that will fit your rearing of your organic garden and help you yield your vegetables effectively, then you have pretty much gotten an edge over other gardening enthusiasts. But what […]

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