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This green gadget has some grunt. [… ]. There’s solar chargers that’ll get solar power to a cell phone. There’s solar chargers that will power a laptop and then this…..


A Challenge to Travelers: Go Green

November 20, 2009

While environmentalists have been promoting a “green vision” for almost 35 years now, it seems like the general public has just realized that each and every one of us has a negative, and lasting, impact on the environment. It’s about time. From a traveler’s perspective this realization is important because travel can have significant […]

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SMTP2Go Worldwide SMTP Email Service For Travelers!

November 9, 2009

High Conversions! Perfect For Any Travel Or Email-related Website. Traveling Laptop Users Are Desperate For A Solution To Their Email Sending Problem! Service Can Be Used From Internet Cafes, Hotels, Airports, Home, Work Etc. 75% Paid On All Sales! SMTP2Go Worldwide SMTP Email Service For Travelers! Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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