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In The Know Traveler and Green Travel in Costa Rica

April 24, 2010

From Devin visits with Tony and Alicia of Grupo Arenal to learn more about green travel in Costa Rica and what Grupo Arenal does to make it “green.” Produced by Wayfarer Digital. For more on travel in Costa Rica visit http Rica Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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The Benefits of Green Tourism to the Travel Industry

April 23, 2010

It seems like everyone is going green these days. The travel and tourism industry is no different. I’m sure you’ve noticed this trend in advertising and travel industry marketing. As crazy as it may sound, these are two areas where you may not think about green living, but enough people are becoming more aware of […]

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Whenever You Travel, Go for a Green Hotel

April 22, 2010

One can help to reduce the negative impact that hotels have on environment by staying at a green hotel. Green hotels use energy and resources efficiently thereby implementing recycling of products. Using nonrenewable resources efficiently and utilizing renewable resources is what Green hotels concentrate on. The staggering figure of guests in the hotels, […]

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Use your mobile to avoid unnecessary travel – It’s easy to be green

April 21, 2010

Green travel is all about making smart decisions and keeping an eye on the environment around you. Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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green travel buzzword bingo

April 15, 2010

Image taken on 2008-01-06 21:05:51 by planeta. Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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If you Know your Travel; Know your Tourism

April 14, 2010

Stringent airport security rules, influx of finally fit baby boomers who have just retired, changing security needs, and the constant growth of niche travel are some of the trends witnessed in the travel and tourism industry in 2007. The tourism industry in the United States is booming like never before owing to better infrastructure, increasing […]

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Fed Tv April 30 – Lookout News – The Ultimate Plant & Green Travel Therapy for Global Tension

April 13, 2010

Hey groovers! We hope you are all well & smiling! It’s time to climb Earth Sanctuary’s 46 foot wind tower & check out the world from a greater perspective. On this transmission we look at the launch of two of Project Bluestars latest websites which focus on the remarkable & unmatchable plant: HEMP. With all […]

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Travel Tips Australia.

April 11, 2010

Travel Tips Australia E-Book. Travel Tips Australia. Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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10 Green Travel Tips for the Holidays

April 10, 2010

The holidays are synonymous with family and friends. Chances are your family is scattered across the country – Aunt Mae and the cousins are in Nebraska, Grandma and Gramps spend their winters in Florida, and your best friend finishing school in Oregon – making it almost inevitable that someone is going to travel to […]

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TF green travel

April 8, 2010

TF green travel Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Tips on “Green” Travel

April 6, 2010

With an increase in environmental consciousness over recent years, many environmentalists have been drawing attention to the affects of travel on the environment. Air travel, for instance, is now regarded as one of the most environmentally harmful activities, as it releases significant amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. However, with increasing attention on […]

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