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Finding Green Travel in Latin America

April 5, 2010

From Maryl chats with Federico about “green” travel in Latin American countries. Federico of the Rainforest Alliance wants to get the word out that there many option for conscientious travelers looking for green tourism options in Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala and Belize and minimizing our “footprint while traveling at home and on vacation. This […]

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Green Travel – Making Better Environmental Travel Choices

April 4, 2010

We all hear the term “global warming” the whole time. In recent months I have started to travel stories, like the permanent ice cap of Mount Kilimanjaro is melting, as we read in the Alpine ski resorts go, be permanently closed due to lack of snow has fallen, as the glaciers melt in the […]

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Environmental Concerns and Green Travel Tips

April 2, 2010

Eco-tourism or green travel is becoming a new catchword in travel. But this doesn\’t mean you need to rough it. You could stay in a tent or go backpacking or canoeing, but just little everyday things can make any trip more eco-friendly. You can stay in cities or in the countryside; sleep in a […]

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What is Green travel ?

March 31, 2010

Have you heard about Green Travel ? No it does not mean a trekking holiday in some green areas in the world. Green Travel can mean anything from environmentally eco tours, to responsible eco-tourism options, sustainable travel or stays in ecolodges that are environmentally conscious.   Green travel means to travel in a responsible […]

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Travel Cheap !Travel Well !

March 31, 2010

A Book Devoted Purely For Budget Travel And Discount Travel. All The Travel Hot Spots, The Unknown Secrets, The Special Deals. Travel Cheap !Travel Well ! Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Green Travel: Use the Power of Responsible Tourism

March 31, 2010

The economic buzz of green travel creates both practitioners and impostors. Responsible tourism is not a fad. Good operators understand the issues and incorporate appropriate practices as part of their business strategies, not as part of empty eco-slogans. For earnest travellers it’s hard to decode all the eco-friendly greenwashing and determine what’s really happening […]

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A Green Travel Plan for Everyone and Every Trip

March 31, 2010

Simply put, green travel is travel in which a positive environmental impact is kept to a maximum and a negative environmental impact is kept to a minimum. Keeping your carbon footprint as tiny as possible while traveling will help preserve the entire planet, including that favorite vacation spot you always visit. That being said, […]

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Vacay Green With Less Travel

February 27, 2010

More than 38 million Americans planned to travel 50 miles or more during three day holiday weekends this this year, 84 percent of them by car. That’s a lot of extra carbon emitting into the atmosph… Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Travel, Transport And Carbon Emissions

February 3, 2010

Travel, transport and carbon emissions; how to be a more responsible, green traveller from co-founder Justin Francis. See more at Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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San Diego Limos – Green Travel Options In A Difficult Economy

December 18, 2009

San Diego limos offer an extremely attractive and cost-effective method to enjoy all the creature comforts of managed entertainment and business travel. What’s not so apparent is that using San Diego limousines more frequently, for larger groups, offers in fact very desirable and real economic and environmental benefits. A Plus San Diego limos offers many […]

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Rainbow Falls Travel Girl

December 17, 2009

!★Check out a few cool spots with me!!★ Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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