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Re: Transportation – Bc Mla Election Debate May 5th Ft.langley/aldergrove

January 24, 2010

Rich Coleman BC Lib, Gail Chaddock-Costello NDP, Travis Erbacher Green, Jordan Braun BC Refederation at the May 5th Ft.langley/Alder. BC MLA Election debate – Re: Transportation Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Future Of Transportation Byd

January 21, 2010

Future Green Cars Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Michael Moynihan @ “clean Infrastructure: Transportation For The 21st Century” – 1/14/09

January 20, 2010

Michael Moynihan, NDN’s Green Project Director, discusses the future of clean transportation at NDN’s event on Capitol Hill on Wednesday, January 14, 2009. Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Jane Sterk On Transportation Light Rail

January 17, 2010

Jane Sterk, leader of the Green Party of BC talks about Light Rail in the CRD. Light rail would reduce traffic congestion and be a greener use of resources Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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2008 State Of The City Transportation Webisode

January 16, 2010

Mayor Gavin Newsom’s 2008 State of the City transportation webisode. Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Public Transportation

January 13, 2010

A video about the importance and ease of use of public transportation. Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Apta American Public Transportation Assoc. 2008 San Diego Ca

January 13, 2010

APTA theme GOING GREEN, with the future of public transportation meeting new fuel considerations. A parade of busses! Video by Vandal Shield/jb Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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High Gas Milage Personal Transportation

January 12, 2010

This brief introduction to moped and motor scooters will be seen on the Get Green Market Show on channel 19 Starting Saturday July 12. Copyright Media Science 2008. Unauthorized use is prohibited Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Transportation A La Geek (segway)

January 12, 2010

These things ARE useful! Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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E-bikeboard: Green Transportation, Fun Included!

January 11, 2010

With the E-Bikeboard you can ride up to 60km with max. 35km/h! With the folding Frame it fit’s in the smallest Car! Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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January 10, 2010

The Grass Is Green On This Side playing transportation. Guitar: Mike Guitar/Vocals: Twitch Bass: Jason Drums: JR Sory for the crappy quality, I’ll try to get a better video up soon. Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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