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Hot-in-Place Asphalt Recycling Technology

May 20, 2010 Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Wish to Know About Renewable Energy Solar Wind Technology? Look for Enerlix!

May 17, 2010

If you’re concerned about your mother earth and the atmosphere in which you are living then it is the right time to act. It is necessary to act if we are well-determined to give a clean and idyllic planet to out future generation. It is only possible with the joint efforts of all the human […]

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Green Building Technology – Diamond Pier by Pin Foundations

May 16, 2010

The Pin Foundation Advantage – A solid foundation that reaches deep into the ground without digging holes or pouring concrete! Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Look for Enerlix for Views on Sustainable Renewable Energy Solar Wind Technology

May 16, 2010

In the present era the efforts to prevent earth are going on a war scale. It is undeniable that the entire world is facing the threat of environmental crises. The situation will become more adverse in the upcoming years. Some of the major problems are not confined to a particular country or continent but on […]

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Eco Packaging: The Most Demanding Clean Technology in Food Packaging Industry

May 8, 2010

Customers and investors are showing more interests in eco-packaging that save raw materials, avoid food waste and enhance recyclability. It has been evident in the recently concluded Cleantech Forum XXII in Copenhagen. Ecopackaging is set to become the next eye-catcher of the clean technologies world. Packaging accounts for almost 10 % of the environmental impact […]

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rogbc – Green Building Training: Stephen Scrivens, Landscape Technology – segment 1 of 3

April 14, 2010

Part 1 of 3 segments Stephen Scrivens, Principal of Landscape Technology lectured at the rogbc Green Building Training in October on key gree construction issues. His presentation deals with: – water issues (erosion, sedimentation control, flood risk; storm water management, water borne pollution reduction) – site location (development density, protect/restore open space, protect ecological value […]

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Green Earth Energy Technology

April 10, 2010

It is no doubt that most citizens are bothered by the problem of huge energy cost every month. And all of us know clearly that without energy, we can barely live a single day! Is there a perfect way to solve our problems? Mr. Michael Harvey helps us find a way in his wonderful […]

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Renewable Energy Technology Has Lots of Potential

April 1, 2010

The four most important renewable energy technologies – solar, wind, hydrogen and biomass have lots to offer. Wind power is seen as having the maximum potential in terms of development and investment. It has generated interest in the governments and people because if its cost-effectiveness in producing electricity. Some of the countries which are […]

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New Waste-to-energy Technology

March 26, 2010

Michael Jaap and Daniel Shapiro with CarbonTech explain a newly-patented idea which takes municipal solid waste and converts this waste into a carbon equivalent energy product through a low-tempera… Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Sustainable Technology Summary 1

March 25, 2010

Some useful sites: http://thefraserdomain.type… Algae:… Wave energy: http://www…. Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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[19-aug-2008] Announced $10.25 Million In Investments In A Breakthrough Energy Technology Called Enhanced Geothermal Systems (egs), Which Expands The Potential Of Geothermal Energy 14,000,000 Exajoules

March 23, 2010 [19-Aug-2008] announced $10.25 million in investments in a breakthrough energy technology called Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS), which expands the potential … Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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