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Congresswoman Matsui spoke to her colleagues in the House on the importance of passing the Home Star Energy Retrofit Act (HR 5019). This bill will provide consumers up-front rebates for many home energy-saving investments such as improved insulation; upgraded heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems; and energy-efficient windows. Congresswoman Matsui continues to work towards creating green jobs in Sacramento and across America, helping to lower utility costs for working families,and reducing harmful pollutants to protect the air and water of California.


Chevron Supports ‘Green’ Startups

November 24, 2010

The Cleantech Open is an annual business competition for clean technology startups. As a global partner of the event, Chevron helps to foster entrepreneurs who are looking for solutions to the world’s environmental and energy challenges. Bellwether Materials is a regional semifinalist in the Green Building category at the 2010 Cleantech Open. CEO Priscilla Burgess […]

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Colonial First State CEO supports ‘PaperCutz 4 Planet Ark’

September 28, 2010

As founding partner of the ‘Papercutz 4 Planet Ark’ program, Colonial First State has witnessed more than 170000 of its clients switch to electronic communications. CEO, Brian BIssaker, speak sto Planet Ark’s Rebecca Gilling about his company’s involvement in the ‘Papercutz 4 Planet Ark’ campaign. Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Eneco Tops Supports Recycling (

March 19, 2010

EnEco Systems Inc. TOPS Gasifier leaves copper as copper, aluminum as aluminum, tin as tin, glass as glass for recycling Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

Read the full article → – Tom Brady Supports Wwf’s Earth Hour

March 15, 2010

On Saturday, March 27th at 8:30 pm local time join World Wildlife Fund and Tom Brady in turning off your lights for one hour, Earth Hour, in the largest call to action on climate change of all time… Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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