Posts tagged as:


Home Birth – The Way All Babies Should Enter The World

January 6, 2010

This is my daughter. I have taught my kids about natural health and the dangers of having babies in hospitals. (The death rate is one of the highest in the world). I also told she to study it herse… Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Should You Use Domestic Wind Turbine To Power Your Home And How

January 2, 2010 – Should You Use Domestic Wind Turbine to Power Your Home and How advantages alternative benefits bill build cell cells cheap conservation cost costs diy earth earth4… Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Auto glass repair – Questions you should ask

December 28, 2009

Everytime a mishap occurs, there is a chance of windshield been broken. A small crack can really extend over the area of your sight or can extend to the inner layers of windshield that is a layer of plastic that is sandwiched between two glass layers. A small stone can also cause a heavy damage. […]

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5 Reasons Why you Should Recycle

December 23, 2009

Recycling is the process of reusing natural resources or man made resources which slows down consumption and subsequent depletion. Although many people and organizations are doing a lot to encourage recycling, most people are not doing enough. If everyone done there part then not only would the earth’s limited resources last longer, but the earth […]

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Why You Should Use Natural Products Instead Of Antibiotics

December 20, 2009 Pharmacist Sherry Torkos lists the problems antibiotics can cause in our bodies which can harm our health. *Rate – Comment – Subscribe* Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Manure Vs. Fertilizer- Which Should be Used in Your Organic Vegetable Garden?

December 17, 2009

Vegetable gardeners with experience know that what you put in the soil is one of the deciding factors when it comes to the amount and quality of fruits and vegetables your plants produce. Without the right plant food, nothing else you do is going to matter, and your crops are doomed to fail. The soil […]

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Why You Should Travel Green

December 7, 2009

With the number of tourists traveling the world increases every year, the environmental impact of tourism only grows worse every year. Travelers tend to produce a lot of trash- few tourists recycle while traveling, hotels are very inefficient, and airplanes spew carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Tourism can be pretty environmentally unfriendly. With climate change, […]

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What Are Hybrid Cars And Why Should We Use Them?

December 6, 2009

A Hybrid car is one that is green and clean, hence not only protecting the environment but also your wallet by efficient fuel consumption.  Hybrid cars actually combine two kinds of energy components for operation. One is petrol and the other electricity, hence making the vehicle such that it is hyperactive low emission, and quiet […]

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What Kidsn Of Materials Should I Use To Build A Model Of A “green: Building?

December 2, 2009

{questions} Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Flower & Plant Garden Care : What Kind Of Soil Should I Use In Organic Gardening?

December 1, 2009

The best soil to use for an organic garden is compost that does not contain any chemicals or pesticides. Find the best soil for an organic garden and learn to create self-made compost with tips fro… Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Flower & Plant Garden Care : What Kind Of Soil Should I Use In Organic Gardening?

December 1, 2009

The best soil to use for an organic garden is compost that does not contain any chemicals or pesticides. Find the best soil for an organic garden and learn to create self-made compost with tips fro… Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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