Posts tagged as:


The Horrors of Commercial Pet Food: What Every Dog and Cat Owner Should Know

May 18, 2010

Some of the ingredients that end up in commercial pet foods are truly shocking. What’s more, many of these will not appear on the label and others are hidden under umbrella terms such as ‘meat meal’ and ‘meat by-products’. How can this happen? The pet food industry is highly unregulated. As Ann Martin, author of […]

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33 Funder-Friendly Elements No Grant Proposal Should Be Without!

May 4, 2010

33 Methods Of Persuasion To Help You Get Inside Your Funder’s And Increase Your Funding, Fund-ability, And Sphere Of Influence. 33 Funder-Friendly Elements No Grant Proposal Should Be Without! Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Oil Recycling Why We Should Do It

April 12, 2010

Oil is made from crude oil, a valuable natural resource that is highly sought after. Oil is also a very serious pollutant so it is absolutely essential that any waste oil from the likes of car or boat engines or oil fired central heating systems for example, is disposed of in the proper manner. […]

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The Ann Arbor Farmers Market Tells Us Why We Should Eat Healthy and Organic Foods

April 11, 2010

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Recycling Plastic: The Facts You Should Know

April 10, 2010

If you have heard about the Plastic Continent — the floating island of plastic twice the size of Texas in the Pacific Ocean — then you understand how crucial it is to recycle plastic. Right now, only 5% of plastics worldwide are recycled. Some of this is ignorance: most of the world still simply […]

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You Should Learn About Recycling

April 5, 2010

There is no denying that you only have one true home. It is not your house, apartment, condo or shack. It is this Earth and it is more valuable to you than you will ever realize. It provides you with food, air and shelter. Would you really not do your part to keep […]

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Architects Should Learn About Bipv_ Interview With Nikos Fintikakis, Director Ares

March 6, 2010

During the final forum of the PV SUNRISE project, SolarPV.TV interviewed Mr. Nikos Fintikakis Director of ARES International work programme on Architecture and Renewable En… Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Recycled Bags and The Reason That Environmentally Responsible Buyers Should Buy and Utilize

January 19, 2010

Recycled bags are appearing both for you to purchase, or carry off at no cost with your groceries in. Is this “greenwash” or sustainable recycling? Well, this is where we tell you what we think. Recycled bags obtainable at the fashion end of the market range and more prosaically as on the house items when […]

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Why Recycling Should Be Your Number One New Years Resolution for 2010

January 16, 2010

With the New Year only just beginning, many people have made or are making their New Years resolutions for the year ahead, but how many of them will be as important as helping to save the world? With landfills in the UK increasingly getting more and more full, recycling should be a priority for all […]

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Denmark’s Wind Power: Should The U.s. Adopt Their System?

January 16, 2010

Denmark has been touted as a country that has been successful at implementing wind power to its energy mix. Here, Hugh Sharman of Incoteco ApS and Rob Gramlich of AWEA discuss Denmark’s experience… Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Town Hall Debate – Alternative Energy: How Should We Deve…

January 7, 2010

http://www.c-spanarchives.o… MR. BROKAW: Here’s a follow-up to that, one-minute discussion. SEN. MCCAIN: Sure. MR. BROKAW: It’s a simple question. SEN. MCCAIN: Sure. MR. BROKAW: Should w… Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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