Posts tagged as:

Safe If you’re looking for the ultimate eco-friendly sippy cup, this is for you! Upgrades from a sippy to a straw cup.


Safe Baby Bottles – What All Parents Need to Know About Glass and Plastic Baby Bottles

October 14, 2010

Thirty to forty years ago, the only baby bottles available to parents were the ones made of glass, which were not only heavy, but also breakable.  Years later, through technology and innovation came baby bottles that were made of plastic, which offered the benefits of being both lighter and unbreakable, making the glass baby bottle […]

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Earth Friendly, Eco Safe Green Cleaners. Completely non toxic all natural cleaning products

October 4, 2010

Modern mermaids is dedicated to making the best quality all natural non toxic household and pet cleaning products. Visit our website Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Keeping Your Pool Safe and Healthy

September 18, 2010

Dr. Joseph Mercola, an expert on natural health, reveals why you should stay away from chlorinated pools and how to make sure your home pools are safe. Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Is It Safe To Use Natural Health Medicine On Toddlers?

August 27, 2010

Most parents who have toddlers know how often they come home from kindergarten or day care with a runny nose. That is because our children often catch illnesses from other children in these closed environments. This is why administering natural health medicine on your toddler can be beneficial in more than one way; not only […]

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Video on Using Safe, Natural Organic Herbs and Vegetables In Your Garden

July 28, 2010

Herb Fest founder, Bob Johnson, explains in this video how the herbs and vegetables at the Wake Forest HerbFest are certified organic. Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Obama’s Drilling: Environmentally Safe?

June 3, 2010

President Obama says his plan for drilling for oil and gas along the Atlantic coast, the Gulf of Mexico and parts of Alaska is necessary and will not endanger the environment. Bill Plante reports. Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Recycled Printing, Your Opportunity to Safe Guard the Environment

April 19, 2010

Our generation is learning its lesson and paying the price with the effects of global warming creeping up on us. 12.5 million tonnes of paper are consumed by the UK population and a devastating 4.7 million tonnes of that paper ends up in landfills. Almost 80% of the original forests and trees on the globe […]

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Saigon Sam Part 8: Food Washing Practices For Safe Eating In Vietnam

March 1, 2010

Guide to detoxification of vegetables and fruits in Vietnam using Vegy brand veggie wash and My Hao dish soap, both available from Coop Mart. Unsanitary and excessive food handling practices, exces… Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Bill C-51 Part 5b – Politicians Are Telling Us That Health Products Are Not Safe

February 27, 2010

Bills C-51 & C-52 were dropped Nov. 2008. In Jan. 2009 Bill C-6 replaced C-52. (Oct. 23/09) Bill C-6 is currently in Senate. Which if passed will move away from the Rule of Law and abolish the Law… Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Nucelar Power: Safe Clean Energy, Part 1 Of 3

December 27, 2009

Please be patient, the video will start shortly. Solving our planet’s most pressing dilemmas requires more than simply setting goals. We need a road map to reach them. Technologies that work fin… Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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