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Plastic Recycling Of Iowa Falls Inc. Tour Part 3 – Mixing The Recycled Plastic Into The Mixer

November 19, 2009

Plastic Recycling of Iowa Falls Inc. tour Part 3 – Mixing the recycled plastic into the mixer Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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How-to Make Recycled Paper Beads, Threadbanger

November 17, 2009

Last week we got a rad video in from Becca who taught us how to make these really cool bead necklaces using old magazines and newspapers. So this week we’re showing you how to make your own paper b… Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Filter Refurbishment With Durafilter Recycled Glass Filtration Media

November 15, 2009

TOTAL BIOCARE SYSTEMS FOR SWIMMING POOLS GOOD FILTRATION STANDARDS-THE ESSENCE OF GREAT POOL WATER Contact Pool Maintenance Limited Filtration Media: The single largest surface area exposed to contamination in a swimming pool is the media within the filter units. Sand has been used for 150 years as a filter […]

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Recycled Glass Tile – Add Beauty To Any Kitchen Backsplash

November 9, 2009

There has been a huge effort for communities to establish and promote recycling programs to help keep some of the glass out of the landfills. Most glass recycling is used in products that are not seen from the naked eye. For example recycled glass is used in asphalt for roadways, insulation for your home, backfill […]

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Recycled Paper: Exploding the Myths Article on Recycled Paper

November 7, 2009

Recycled Paper:  Exploding the MythsPaper and paper products are the largest single component of society’s waste stream.  The movement to recycle paper and manufacture products is primarily an effort to reduce the amount of costly, disposable waste.  When we choose to use recycled paper for our businesses and homes, we don’t have to sacrifice quality.  […]

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