April 25, 2010
Download the song from my blog: thepeterbullblog.blogspot.com Spotify-playlist with all the originals songs (-Craig David): open.spotify.com To download this and all my other mashups click here: norwegianrecycling.multiply.com Norwegian Recycling links (info, updates, mp3s): thepeterbullblog.blogspot.com norwegianrecycling.multiply.com www.facebook.com twitter.com www.myspace.com www.ilike.com Samples: 1. John Mayer – Your Body Is A Wonderland 2. Take That – Back For […]
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April 22, 2010
The impacts of society’s paper use on the environment are significant and alarming. For example, to produce each week’s Sunday newspaper, 500,000 trees must be cut down. Recycling a single run of the Sunday New York Times would save 75,000 trees. If Americans would recycle just one-tenth of their newspapers we would save about 25,000,000 […]
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