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Recycled Art Show Glass Eyes Sleeping Lady Conference Center

July 27, 2010

Image taken on 2008-04-19 18:22:58 by pictoscribe. Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Why Use Recycled Plastic Raised Beds in the Garden?

July 26, 2010

Raised Beds are sections of elevated soil. Raised bed gardening has a lot of positive factors brought about by holding the soil at this elevation. The most significant factors can be shown beneath. Raised Beds are far more useful when watering. It is much more effective in holding water in the soil, within the bed.You have […]

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Top 3 Benefits Of Recycled Promotional Merchandise

July 23, 2010

Promotional Merchandise has been used by businesses interested in marketing their products for a long time. Though this tradition of gifting promotional merchandise to customers and clients is still observed, it has changed along with business culture. One of the main changes in today’s promotional merchandise is it is possible to highly customize the items […]

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“Bing Necklace 2” made of Recycled Aluminum Cans ~ 1 of 2 photos

July 22, 2010

Image taken on 2009-07-03 07:18:01 by Urban Woodswalker. Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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“Life Ring”~ Recycled plastics and metal ~ 4 of 6 photos

July 13, 2010

Image taken on 2010-06-04 16:02:59 by Urban Woodswalker. Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Duo of Monster Hands ~ Recycled Aluminum Cans

July 7, 2010

Image taken on 2009-04-24 13:43:37 by Urban Woodswalker. Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Recycled Paper Tableware

July 1, 2010

Is there much difference in the quality of one paper table cloth to another? Does the method in which one is produced have much bearing on its sustainability, suitability or quality? The answer is maybe so. There are numerous manufacturers of disposable table cloths, paper serviettes and banquet rolls in the United Kingdom, but there […]

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Recycled Window Frames – Environmentally Friendly Decorating

June 30, 2010

Window frames can be expensive so try looking for them at the curb. When remodeling, people often throw them out for any scavenger to find. Not only can picking up used window frames save you money, but they are also a great way to be environmentally friendly. Here are some tips on how to transform […]

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Top 10 Ways to Use and Re-Use Recycled Gift Wraps

June 29, 2010

Long gone are the days when eco-friendly was synonymous with tree-hugger and hippie. Today’s new shade of “green” is hip and fashionable…some even say it’s the new black. Bridging the gap between popular and fashionable culture and environmental responsibility is a critical part of supporting the environment and reversing the damage that has already been […]

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Heineken Earrings recycled from aluminum cans ~ 1 of 5 photos

June 29, 2010

Image taken on 2009-11-01 08:29:04 by Urban Woodswalker. Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Green initiative – Use recycled furniture

June 28, 2010

Most people consider that used office furniture is not a durable option and would give an old and abused look. Having the right office liquidation can make or split the functionality of an office. Purchasing liquidated office furniture is not only a neat way to save a great deal of money but it also contributes […]

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