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How to Set Up a Recycling Program in the Hospitality Industry

January 14, 2010

Introduction As the founder of the German Green Party, Petra Kelly once said “If we don’t do the impossible, we shall be faced with the unthinkable.” It is time we answered Kelly’s call to action and set into motion the necessary steps to revitalize the earth, such as, integrating recycling programs within local communities. The […]

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Sustainable Living Program, Environment 185, Eslp, Lecture 5, Ucla

January 14, 2010

Fran Pavley on “Environmental Policy” as part of the Education for Sustainable Living Program (ESLP). ESLP is a student designed, student developed, and student facilitated program offered throug… Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Sustainable Living Program, Environment 185, Eslp, Lec 3, Ucla

January 8, 2010

Woodrow W. Clark II on “Energy” as part of the Education for Sustainable Living Program (ESLP). ESLP is a student designed, student developed, and student facilitated program offered through UCLA… Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Overview Of Vanpool Program

January 6, 2010

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Tgw Tv Taking The Organic Plung! In The Garden Program Sneak Peak

December 31, 2009

TGW TV with Lisa Ziegler from The Gardener’s Workshop show you how to make plung into organic gardening. Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Technology Management Program Ucsb: Energy

December 29, 2009

S. James Nelson, Jr. MBA, CPA; a serial entrepreneur discusses oil and gas energy infrastructure and sub-sea oil production challenges. Series: Technology Management Program [5/2009] [Business] [S… Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Payback Time – Germany’s Renewable Energy Program

December 23, 2009

This Earth Report video describes Germany’s highly successful program for making solar and other forms of renewable energy cost-effective today. This high quality video explains how the German inc… Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Payback Time – Germany’s Renewable Energy Program

December 22, 2009

This Earth Report video describes Germany’s highly successful program for making solar and other forms of renewable energy cost-effective today. This high quality video explains how the German inc… Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Busy Woman Fitness E-book Workout Program.

December 17, 2009

Fitness/Nutrition Book With A 12 Week Home Workout Program. Easy To Read, Conversational. Learn All The Myths About Fitness And Nutrtion And What You Really Need To Do To Look Great. Workouts Can Be Done At Home With Minimal Equipment In Under 30 Mins. Busy Woman Fitness E-book Workout Program. Enjoyed this article?More information on […]

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Setting Up a Recycling Program at Home

December 15, 2009

There is a huge need for recycling to be done at home.  For one, households are major consumers of goods as well as major producers of wastes.  A good part of the garbage that is brought to the landfills comes from households. But that is just one thing.  Just like in anything, children learn their […]

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The Recycling Program of San Diego, California

December 14, 2009

Recycling is an endeavor that the city of San Diego has actively pursued for almost 20 years.  The city’s recycling program is under the general supervision of the San Diego Environmental Services Department.  Housed in Ridgehaven, which is considered to be one of the United States’ most energy efficient buildings, the San Diego Environmental Services […]

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