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Philips Day-Brite/ Capri/ Omega going green video. Our commitment.


T8 T5 adapter met Osram evsa in Philips armatuur.wmv

June 18, 2011 energy saving on T8 Philips fixture with Osram electronic ballast, Neosave energiebesparen T8 T5 met Osram EVSA in een Philips armatuur. Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Philips MASTER LED Installation Video

October 7, 2010

For every conventional lamp theres an LED solution. Watch how easy it is to install the energy saving Philips MASTER LED lamp Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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CES 2008: Philips Eco Innovation Award for their Flat …

September 19, 2010

Philips has introduced a very cool TV that is ECO friendly that uses something called active control and it monitors light in the room to adjust the power to the screen. It also uses some technology that recognizes what you are watching and makes changes dynamically. Very cool flat screen monitor that is 1081i compatible […]

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