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It is estimated that eight to 10 million innocent animals are surrendered to shelters each year within the United States. These facilities are busting at the seams, sometimes with four to as many as eight animals in one, tiny cage to house them. And, with a struggling economy, donations are steadily decreasing as surrenders are drastically increasing. So, whats the solution? Shelters say adequate space and educating the public about the deadly consequences of animal overpopulation, abuse, and neglect. How can they make this happen? We say, Project Pawsitive ™. Project Pawsitive ™ is an inspiring, powerful, and uplifting reality TV series by Smiling Molly Productions, LLC and The Legacy Productions, LLC, geared at providing animal shelters in need of great repair operated by self-sacrificing volunteers and home to animals rescued from desperate situations with eco-friendly makeovers. Over the course of ten episodes, viewers will embark on a personal quest with host/creator of Project Pawsitive ™, Jill Sullivan Grueter, as she travels throughout New England and the United States to various animal shelters in need of a 7-day Project Pawsitive ™ renovation. Driven by the passion and her gut and extreme determination to make a difference in the lives of these innocent creatures and the volunteers who care for them, Sullivan Grueter and her big-hearted team of master carpenters set off to turn desperate situations into fulfilled dreams. Thank you to D Sharon Pruitt, h_xavier

