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Gas and electricity prices have become a constant source of worry considering their fluctuations on off and on basis. However one thing is certain that these price fluctuations are never going to stop and hence you can expect your energy bills to vary after every price change, which in most cases is going to increase each time. This leaves with no other option than to take care of your electricity and gas consumption if at all you wish to lower your energy bills.
We provide a few valuable tips and guidelines on how to reduce your energy bills to a great extent. A few of them are –
Switch suppliers – You may come to know of a cheaper energy plan and consider of switching over to it. But you do need to check out the cancellation terms of your existing plan and may be required to pay a cancellation charge as well. This point you need to consider as and when you switch. In most cases, the new energy provider extends all cooperation in ensuring you face the smoothest switchover.
Check out for leakages and Gaps – In case you have opted for central heating system, it makes sense to check you house thoroughly for gaps and drafts which could be letting in cold air and making your heating system under perform. You could check out the latches and seals and replace them if required. Also though seemingly expensive it is advisable to go for cavity wall insulation and loft insulation for they work great in keeping your house warm.
Plan your tasks when using domestic electrical appliances – Always use these appliances when they are in a position to operate on full capacity especially dishwashers and washing machines. With regards to laundry, you could segregate the clothes on basis of the dirt and wash them accordingly. Adjusting the temperature cycles of these machines as per requirement goes a long way in lowering your electricity bills. You could even switch over to specially formulated washing detergents which do a thorough cleaning task at low temperatures as well.
Managing Central Heating systems – When you are at home, the heating system can function normally, but in case you are going to be out for a slightly long duration, you could operate it on a minimum level ensuring your water pipes do not freeze or burst open. This step ensures the pipes stay warm by using minimal amount of electricity.
You could lower your energy bills by lowering your thermostat by one or two degrees too. You could go for a better thermostat which allows you to set a timer to switch off the thermostat after a certain period.
You could also check out for grants and subsidies offered by local governing agencies if you go for installing energy efficient heating systems, solar thermal panels, solar photo voltaic panels or eco friendly heating devices. These systems are expensive in the initial stages but in the long run they turn out economical and cost effective.
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I am an expert writer of energy saving solutions in the UK. BritishGas is one of the largest energy suppliers in the UK. Save money on your energy bills with cheap British Gas electricity tariffs.
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