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Author: Gordon Kennedy WWW.WHITEINDIANS.COM “They were virtuous, honest and brave, and the finest qualities of humanity were found united in them; to wit, magnanimity, skill, courage, athletic powers, strength of soul and of body, pride of character, nobleness of demeanor, a smiling physiognomy, an intelligent mind and patriotic devotedness.” With this passage an alert young Canary Island poet named Antonio Viana (1604) recorded his sentiments of the Guanches, a primitive band who once flourished on a rocky volcanic Atlantic island named Tenerife, the last Stone-Age aboriginal settlement of any Indo-European people. An improbable but true story of white natives living in the wilds of several African islands for thousands of years, this book contains images, symbols and words that are remnants of an ancient tribal legacy….. Western philosophy with a female-friendly, indigenous flavor and organic green living in it’s most primal form. The archetypes that the Guanche Indians represent, reveals a divergent cultural evolution with a rich spiritual heritage, and inspires a deeper and more profound reflection on their origins, their existence and their immortality. Details of the indigenous white man’s world include 13 chapters of hard anthropological science relative to Guanche culture, language, burial, cosmology and origins….and 1 chapter dealing with the Canary Islands as a likely stepping-stone to America by pre-Columbian mariners like the Phoenicians and Sumerians


Blackout last minute shopping停電ギリギリの買い物

September 19, 2011

平成23年3月14日 March 14, 2011 0:00 Today, due to power outages, they will close at 13:00. Understanding of the customer, thank you for your cooperation. 本日、停電の影響により、13時にて閉店致します。 お客様の御理解、ご協力をお願い致します。 0:06 服売り場は閉鎖The clothing department closure 0:12 初めて見る、空の食品棚 Never seen, empty food shelves 初めて見る、長いレジの行列 Never seen, Register long matrix 0:40 牛乳売り場 Milk shop お客様へ Customers 一世帯でも多く 食料品を購入していただくため、 Many households in […]

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Last Main Event on my first race day.

February 22, 2011

I won this race. There were only 4 left at this point but after the green car takes me out and the leader the black #11 gets gone watch me run him down. I had a fast car at this point. Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Lets Play Advance Wars 2 31: The Last Yellow Hurdle Part One

February 13, 2011

I’m BORED with Yellow Comet now. It has taken too damned long. I WANT GREEN EARTH. Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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From First to Last.

August 8, 2010

Image taken on 2009-12-10 20:23:13 by Tawni Rae. Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Renewable Energy – Here at Last, Thank God Almighty, Here at Last

May 20, 2010

Ever think about how many people there are in world today, and about how fast the world’s population is increasing? The per day increase is estimated to be about 204,000. That’s a lot of people. Next question: ever think about the resources all those people are using and will continue to use in increasing amounts […]

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Last Year’s Organic Garden

May 13, 2010

In 2008 from January to August I grew a Community Garden Project at Pizza Rio Restaurant behind their facility. It was the first time I had gardened down in the river valley as I live in the mesa area above Veguita in an area called the Llano, or upland grasslands. Up where I live it […]

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Green Day – Bj Reads “tonight’s My Last Show” @ Msg, Nyc

March 28, 2010

21st Century Breakdown Tour July 27 2009 Set List: 1. Song of the Century 2. 21st Century Breakdown 3. Know Your Enemy 4. East Jesus Nowhere 5. Holiday 6. Static Age 7. Before the Lobotomy 8. Ar… Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Superman Last Son Of Earth Part 1

February 2, 2010

enjoy song running up that hill Superman, The Flash, Batman, Scarlet Witch, Martain Manhunter, Giant Man, Green Lantern, Captain America, Wonder Woman, Thor, Ironman, Aquaman, The Vision, Krona, … Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Green Day – Last Day On Earth ( Live In Singapore)

January 20, 2010

Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Last Night On Earth, Wake Me Up When September Ends & Good Riddance (live At Birmingham Nec)

December 29, 2009

Green Day perform the Finale at the end of their Gig at Birmingham NEC on 27th October 2009 Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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