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The GM EV1 had a $4000.00 incentive to buy this car forced to build by the State of California yet GM gave $100,000.00 tax incentive to buy the largest most gas guzzling vehicle on the road, the H…


Gm – Evidence That Big Oil & Gm Killed The Electric Car

March 22, 2010

The GM EV1 had a $4000.00 incentive to buy this car forced to build by the State of California yet GM gave $100,000.00 tax incentive to buy the largest most gas guzzling vehicle on the road, the H… Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Gm – Evidence That Big Oil & Gm Killed The Electric Car

March 22, 2010

The GM EV1 had a $4000.00 incentive to buy this car forced to build by the State of California yet GM gave $100,000.00 tax incentive to buy the largest most gas guzzling vehicle on the road, the H… Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Who Killed The Water Car? Part 5 Of 6

March 12, 2010

Oil company murdered family. A friend of mine bought a car from an old lady. She said she was selling because she was moving out of the country. Her son a Geologist, daughter in law, and baby we… Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Who Killed The Water Car? Part 4 Of 6

March 4, 2010

Oil company murdered family. A friend of mine bought a car from an old lady. She said she was selling because she was moving out of the country. Her son a Geologist, daughter in law, and baby we… Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Iran Tehran 27 Dec 09 A Woman Killed By Police Car In Ashura

January 17, 2010

Posted via email from Onlymehdi Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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