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The car hire industry has been one of the many favorite targets of environmental advocates for many years. One important allegation is that the use of a for hire means the traveler is yet one more source of carbon emissions, when things could have been environmentally better if the person commuted. But a counter-argument by the industry is that public transport is not always an option, and in rural areas a car hire is the only pill available to swallow.

Some say the car hire industry can do better than argue that a hire car is better and friendlier substitute to owning the car itself. Nevertheless, car ownership is on its way up; if the car hire industry wants the previous argument to be plausible, it will have to work harder at its homework. One reason to be grateful for, just the same is the greener hire cars alongside the gas guzzlers.

This last mentioned step consists of company investment on teams of hybrid and low carbon emission cars, which, thanks to the ads of equally worried car companies, are acknowledged to be way lesser environmental hazards. To give you a picture, a Swedish franchise of a large car hire company sunk its money on four hundred ethanol powered cars. In the United States, over a thousand hybrid cars acquired rounds out the scene for the same firm.

Another campaign on the part of car hire companies is to release information on the carbon emissions from each car in their fleet at the time of hiring. The intended effect of this is that customers will be informed of the hazards of their own eco-unfriendly cars and will solve this by hiring more often than not green cars. Some say this is a major point of improvement in the industry. The pivotal premise here is that all people have some form of environmental conscience that will help them to be more attuned to cars with fewer emissions.

Yet another strategy of the car hire industry towards persuasion is carbon offsetting. The company basically accounts for the sum carbon produced in the form of emissions by the entire company. The goal of a carbon offsetting policy is to make a company carbon neutral through a combination of several strategies.

Yet, the movement towards significant greening in the industry is still far off, so applause for these innovative players in the car hire industry may seem out of place. Moreover, a headache for these companies is that going after eco-friendly policies is usually less cost effective than conventional albeit mediocre tactics. The only relief in all these must be that the the industry can at least claim it is doing its best in offering people the chance to be eco-friendly on the road and the cars that burn less harmful fuels.

Indeed, the car hire industry is now asking itself: where to now? The business has actually entered and forged into all the avenues open to it. A realistic prospect is the case of satellite navigation systems being an added bonus in hire cars to transform trips into a heightened, “sit back and relax” experience. But its yet another smart marketing technique too, in the end.

Norman Smith is an author and webmaster of . Car Hire and Car Rental throughout UK Europe USA and many destinations worldwide from Car Hire Planet


John Cooper Clarke – Hire Car

February 9, 2010

John Cooper Clarke live at the Inn On The Green, London, February 1 2008, performs Hire Car. Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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A Guide to Car Hire in Ireland

December 27, 2009

Cheap car hire at airports in Ireland is available from many global companies such as Avis and Hertz. These companies provide you with the features and comfort that you need to make your vacation or business trip as comfortable as possible. Their cars feature NeverLost, a GPS navigational system to keep you on track, DVD […]

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Green Car Hire Firm Gives Back to the Environment

December 4, 2009

The environment is in trouble is what we constantly hear from the government and former Vice Presidents of the United States, so we’re meant to all be driving low emission cars or not at all in some cases.  The trouble is that when you’re on holiday and you want to see and do everything that […]

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Which Way to a “green” Car Hire Industry?

November 24, 2009

The car hire industry has been one of the many favorite targets of environmental advocates for many years. One important allegation is that the use of a for hire means the traveler is yet one more source of carbon emissions, when things could have been environmentally better if the person commuted. But a counter-argument by […]

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Hammond Skip Hire – Carboard & Plastic Recycling

November 19, 2009

Hammond Skip Hire – Carboard & Plastic Recycling Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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