Posts tagged as:


How Getting Green Chairs Can Help Save The Environment

June 20, 2010

Since Al Gore presented his award-winning documentary, An Inconvenient Truth, many people seem to have gotten a jolt regarding environmental awareness. The result: An influx in environment-friendly products—green chairs, green cars, green shoes. Products made from naturally-derived biodegradable materials leave little to no carbon footprint. The recycling revolution that started in the 1970s seems to […]

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Natural Health Care May Help in Healing

June 19, 2010

It’s amazing what the human body can do – especially when it comes to natural health care and self-healing. Complementary health treatments like massage therapy can be beneficial in achieving optimal health and wellbeing. Labor pain, for instance, can be alleviated through massage. Other common health issues like anxiety and back pain can be significantly […]

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How Cell Phone Recycling Can Help African Gorillas

June 17, 2010

Diane Fossey, the famous American primatologist, lived in the Congo in early 1967, studying African gorillas. Fossey, after the publication of several studies and photographs of her with the gorillas, almost single-handedly brought the plight of these primates to the fore of public consciousness in the early seventies. Today, it is these gorillas, particularly the […]

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6 Energy-Saving Tips To Help Save You Money

June 6, 2010

Energy-saving tips are something that a lot of people these days are looking for. Saving energy means saving money, and that is something that everyone needs to do. There are some important tips to be aware of and to get in the habit of using to save as much energy as possible. Here are the […]

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Recycling Cans Could Help The Enviroment

June 4, 2010

Food and drinks cans make up around three percent of household waste that is thrown away by households in the UK on a daily basis. Around 75 percent of all drinks cans in the UK are made from aluminium although there are still almost 2 billion drinks cans that are made from steel. Food cans […]

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Green Ecological Products Can Help Save the Earth

June 2, 2010

Green ecological products are becoming more popular, we now recognize those companies that realize the importance of green ecological products. Our efforts to preserve earth to have clean water, clear skies and contaminate free soil, trying to reverse our current path of filling the air and water and soil with toxins and contaminants, perhaps we […]

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i really can’t help myself.

May 26, 2010

Image taken on 2008-12-01 08:43:03 by the russians are here. Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Natural Health Remedies Can Help You Feel Better Faster

May 25, 2010

Being ill and feeling run down all the time is not the best way to enhance your productivity at work and maximize your energy at home. And the reality is that many people suffer from fatigue and they do not know that there is a simple remedy for it. This fatigue is often caused by […]

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Help Your Immune System Fight Diseases With Natural Health Medicine

May 17, 2010

The benefits of taking care of yourself are some of the rewards you get from knowing that you are doing the best for your body. This includes the most important part of your body–the part which is in fact a mechanism that protects your body: your immune system. Your immune system protects you against viruses, […]

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Will Energy-Saving Lightbulbs Help Fight Global Warming

May 12, 2010

The European Union is imposing a ban on conventional light bulbs, replacing them with energy-saving bulbs. That ban would fully be in effect within two years, forcing all 490 million citizens of the EU’s member states to switch from the current conventional lights they now have. However, some problems of this plan have been […]

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Recycling in the Workplace – Help Get the Earth Healthy!

May 5, 2010

With Americans focusing renewed attention on the health of the planet, recycling becomes more and more a part of everyday life. Most towns and cities now have curbside recycling – and office managers are beginning to follow their example by setting up office recycling programs. Though it’s not the only change we can or […]

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