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The JET turbines a radical new turbine solution applicable in both
wind and free water streams. The new invented HAWT JET turbine are up
to 3 times more efficient in comparison with the conventiona…


Low Wind Turbine Watts Increased Hawt

December 14, 2009

A breakthrough invention that can be placed IN FRONTof any wind turbine can more than triple the power generated by the turbine. This invention is a specially shaped stator developed in our wind t… Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Fawt Propset01 Vertical Axis Wind Turbine Vawt Plans Savonius, Pma, Hawt Diy Ametek Green

December 12, 2009 or vawt vertical axis wind turbine hawt green. here is an update for the FAWT Silo prop set01, i tried the fiber blades and my custom made blades, the fiber … Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Wind Turbine Blade Diy How To Video Part 3 Hawt Windmi

December 4, 2009

This is Part 3. Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Fawt 03 Silo Vawt Wind Turbine Savonius Vertical Axis Hawt Diy Ametek Green

December 2, 2009 or vawt vertical axis wind turbine hawt green. -first i lifted the silo 3 feet -i tested the propset with blades extended -i increased the gap bettween the prop and the FAWT b… Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Wind Turbine Blade Diy How To Video Part 1 Hawt Windmill Wind Power

November 14, 2009

This is the actual DVD I have. Please watch all 10 videos before trying this yourself and BE CAREFUL. TOOLS ARE DANGEROUS. WARNING WARNING DO AT YOUR OWN RISK:-) We use pine for our blades but ther… Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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