Posts tagged as:


Green Dallas: Building A Greener City

February 3, 2010

From clean fleets to green buildings, learn what the City of Dallas is doing to save the planet, protect our resources and preserve the environment for future generations. Detailed information is … Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Greener Car Saves You Green

January 14, 2010

Better TV’s car coach has some tips to make your car greener and save a little green at the same time. Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Toxic Smells And Tips For Greener Living

January 6, 2010 Dr. Gloria Gilbere explains what off-gassing air is and why it’s so harmful to our health. Some Tips for Green Living. *Rate – Comment – Subscribe* Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Five Easy Things You Can Do To Live Greener Today

December 31, 2009

We are a society of consumers with an abundance of choices and and excess of things. There have been vast changes in the lifestyle of the average person from a few generations ago and life is generally better. However, television, newspapers, magazines and other media sources are spreading doom and gloom about our planet earth, […]

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Green Cooking Tips – How to Cook Greener, Save Energy and Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

December 28, 2009

Living a greener life is not only good for the planet’s health, it’s good for your health and the health of your family. Maintaining a bright green kitchen – in terms of energy efficiency and energy use, not color – can reduce your carbon footprint, but it can also help you feed your family a […]

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Recycle Paper: A Greener Solution

December 24, 2009

This is a class project for the Phillips Exeter Academy Summer School 2009 to raise awareness for recycling, reusing and reducing the use of PAPER. Please ask others to watch it too. It is VERY imp… Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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A Greener Wash Wax for Safer Car Cleaning

December 14, 2009

Protecting your car, truck, RV, or boat from enemies such as ultraviolet light, ozone damage, and inclement weather is important if you want your vehicle’s appearance to have a fresh, new look for a long time. You can accomplish this by applying a protecting finish to the interior and exterior surfaces of your vehicle to […]

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Car Insurance Just Got a Little Greener

December 10, 2009

These days everyone you meet is trying to find a way to make their lives a bit more eco friendly, and there are lots and lots of ways to get it done. Years ago, doing your part to save the environment involved recycling bottles and changing all the light bulbs in your house to those […]

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Greener Greed- Hot New Green Product! Earn 50%.

December 7, 2009

The Greener Greed Ebook Is A Brand New Green Product. Check Out The Hot Pitch Page. If You’re Looking To Make Money This Is The Green Product For You! Affiliate Center: Http:// Greener Greed- Hot New Green Product! Earn 50%. Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Get Greener By Recycling Your Computer Equipment

December 6, 2009

The rapid evolution of information technology is a double-edged sword. While constant improvements allow us to keep doing more in less time, the downside is that electronic equipment quickly becomes obsolete and needs to be replaced by newer, faster models. One obvious drawback of improving technology is the cost of replacing older models, but what […]

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Greener and Eco Friendly Living

December 5, 2009

  Imagine having a guide to greener living that ensures you to live in an eco friendly way in every aspect of your life. Here are ample of handy tips that help you to go green in your lifestyle. You will find practical tips and techniques for living in sync with eco system. Get smarter […]

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