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Going Green At Home : How Does Active Solar Heating Work?

January 5, 2010

Active solar heating, known as solar thermal, works by using the natural heat from the sun to heat up a device inside the house that distributes it evenly. Find out how to use an existing water tan… Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Going Green Tips… Save Money and Our Future

January 4, 2010

Save Now for a Greener TomorrowWe are taught from an early age to Save for A Rainy Day, Save For Retirement, Save In Case Of An Emergency… well you get the picture. All these examples are referring to saving money, a smart prudent thing to do. For most of us in recent times, unfortunately, our […]

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Even Car Dealerships Are Going Green

January 4, 2010

The new “green” economics of sustainable building is proving that in the long run, using more energy efficient equipment benefits the bottom line. From an architectural firm in New York’s Battery P… Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Going Green: Definition And Evidence

January 3, 2010

… Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Going Green At Home : What Is Green Architecture?

January 3, 2010

Green architecture refers to building homes with the environment in mind, such as recessing the home in the ground for natural heat, strategically placing windows to gain natural heat or planting l… Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Going Green…Profitable Tips for Your Home

January 2, 2010

Go Green in Your Home and Save Most of the ideas and tips I am about to propose to you have, at sometime, been already put forward to you. Maybe if you know all the facts however it will make more sense to you. I would like to, first and foremost, shatter any myths that […]

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British Columbia is Going Green

December 29, 2009

  British Columbia is Going Green Justin Mongiardo Coquitlam, British Columbia, Canada British Columbia is officially one of the greenest provinces in Canada.  It earned high marks on a recent report card measuring energy efficiency and environmental impact.  The report was published by the Canadian Energy Efficiency Alliance, and shows that British […]

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How Can Going Green Benefit Michigan?

December 28, 2009

You may scoff at the notion of going green or being more eco-friendly in your life. This is Michigan, we don’t have smog or population problems – why do I need to go green? You may ask. The answer is easy. We all need to live a little greener if we want our children and […]

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Going Green-how to Upgrade the Environment

December 26, 2009

Environmentally friendly houses are a factor an exceptional environment and save owners money. By reducing energy consumption, utility bills decrease and fewer harmful gasses are released into the local environment. This combination presents a actual “win-win” opportunity for property owners. The process of going “green” may mean buying an energy efficient house, altering an existing […]

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Going Green At Home : What Are 2 Methods Of Solar Heating?

December 26, 2009

Two methods of solar heating include photovoltaic, which refers to solar panels, and solar thermal, which refers to direct heat from the sun. Find out which methods of solar heating will work best … Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Going Green: Conscience Not Guilt

December 26, 2009

For instance, recycling takes just a couple of seconds, rinse the can, then throw it in the recycling bin, versus tossing a dirty can into a trash can. Or composting, my mother has had a covered plastic bowl next to her sink for years; every few days when it gets filled with the cuttings of […]

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