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Going Green. No Matter Your Take the Choice is Clear

July 5, 2010

Global warming. Controversial to say the very least. Scientists on both sides have mountains of evidence to suggest that humans are either having a devastating impact on the earth’s climate or it’s just the natural climate change like any number of other climate changes the earth has gone through in its history. Whichever side you […]

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Going Green: Laundry Tips, Green Commutes and Uv Air Purifiers

June 25, 2010

Going green isn’t very hard. For example, here is a great green laundry tip – start with not using laundry detergent. My family and friends started to use a machine called a LaundryPure by Ecoquest to get clothes clean. This works great by eliminating the need for laundry detergent by utilizing silver ions and UV […]

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Going Green – Living Paradigm

June 11, 2010

Living Poor Housing Project in Houston, TX Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Vegas going green with dog sled team

June 4, 2010

Crazy dogs pulling 3 people on a sled and nearly smashing into the videographer. Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Going Green Makes Economic Sense – David Gottfried

May 29, 2010

Learn more about David Gottfried here: Excerpts from a keynote address at Stanford University by David Gottfried, founder and first staff president of the US Green Building Council (USGBC), the leading green building organization in the world. In this segment, Gottfried talks about how green principles are being linked to the bottom line. He […]

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Going Green with Solar Energy

May 26, 2010

Solar Energy is a green way of producing electrical energy. As the source is renewable it is one of the most effective methods to generate power for household as well as commercial uses. Solar energy can be obtained as two types. These are active and passive energies. Active solar energy is a combination of the […]

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Going Green is Easier than you Think

May 25, 2010

Tour a green home with designer Patricia Gaylor and Sam Champion on Good Morning America 4/19/07 Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Going Green Gardening – Fun & Easy Tips

May 20, 2010

Going green is a very popular trend in today’s society and for good reason.  You see it in the grocery stores with reusable bags, banks are consistently trying to get their customers to go green by banking electronically and some stores are converting to more online coupons, offers and sales.  There are also ways to […]

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Be Brave GO GREEN! Proposal of Atlanta Going Green with Atl Braves and MARTA

May 18, 2010

Be Brave: Go GREEN! Project is a team effort with the The Atlanta Braves, The City of Atlanta, and MARTA (Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority) Public Transportation. The project would include the renovation of one MARTA train car—into the Go Green Train Car and for the first time in history a MLB baseball team to […]

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Going Green: On Earth and Beyond

May 17, 2010

Space helping Earth: Satellite image of the Antarctic peninsula taken on December 16, 2006 shows a retreating ice shelf. Some might wonder why so much money is poured into space exploration when there are innumerable problems to solve on our own planet. Typically, it is environmentalism that considers the Earth’s environment and how best to […]

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Businesses ‘Going Green’

May 9, 2010

With the preservation of our planet’s natural beauty on everyone’s mind today, ‘Going Green’ not only helps the environment and protects our natural resources, but involves only minor lifestyle changes and minimal expense for individuals searching for ways to contribute to the ‘Green Earth’ preservation effort. When shopping for your favorite signature B&B recipe ingredients, […]

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