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*How To Prepare Garden For Winter The Eco Friendly Way*

May 9, 2010 http There are simple things you can do this fall and winter to take care of your garden and yard in a responsible and eco-friendly way. These easy tips for going green, will allow you to follow organic and sustainable gardening practices that… Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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May 9, 2010

Makeup tutorial by Celebrity Make-up Artist. Tiffany shares secrets & tips using safe, non-toxic products. JOIN US: OFFICIAL WEBSITE: BLOG (MAKEUP FREEBIES FACEBOOK US TWEET US: OUR WORK PORTFOLIOS: LAURIE TIFFANY http Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Michigan Eco Friendly Shopping

May 6, 2010

Image taken on 2009-08-28 06:25:26 by Sommer Poquette. Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Heat Pumps The Fuel Effect – how they work – energy saving – green – environmently friendly heating

May 2, 2010

Heat Pumps The Fuel Effect – how they work – energy saving – green – environment friendly heating. Peter Wickens and his team will assess your heating requirements Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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5 Star Green: An Eco Friendly Hotel in Manhattan

May 1, 2010

Want to globetrot without the guilt of an oversized carbon footprint? Well relax and trot away, because many hotels have started making it easy to stay green while you’re out on the road for business or pleasure. Manhattan’s 70 Park Avenue boutique hotel is one place that believes hospitality is more than pillow mints and […]

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Eco Friendly & Green Driving – Endless Money & Fuel Saving Car Tips Part1

April 29, 2010

You are on a constant quest to enhance your fuel efficiency and save from fuel costs, regardless of whether you are driving a hybrid, compact or cng driven car. Your quest continues on the back of fluctuating car fuel prices which had been on a constant hike for a good part of 2008H1. Shared […]

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Computer Recycling – Switch To Environmental Friendly Mode

April 24, 2010

Computer recycling refers to the practice of salvaging useable components from obsolete electronic devices or safely disposing off electronic devices. It is a practice that each one of us must inculcate because inappropriate handling of discarded computers and other electronic devices can cause environmental hazards. Studies estimate that over 40 million electronic pieces become obsolete […]

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Eco Friendly Fashion – TMI Weekly

April 24, 2010

Kick off the new year by reducing your carbon footprint, starting in your closet! Mary Rambin gives us some great eco-friendly products and finds that will keep you looking stylish while helping Mother Earth at the same time. Links in this episode: Feed Projects – My Bag Cares – Jane Marvel – […]

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Crayon Recycling {kids + eco friendly craft}

April 16, 2010

What to do with all your broken bits of crayons? Recycle them of course! Here is a fun eco friendly project for kids. Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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What is Eco Friendly Bedroom Furniture?

April 11, 2010

What is eco friendly bedroom furniture? Eco friendly is the term used for when you make a decision which benefits the environment. Eco friendly bedroom furniture has become more and more popular, everyone today tries to do their bit for the environment and buying eco friendly bedroom furniture is just one of the ways […]

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Green Homes Environmental Friendly Houses!

April 11, 2010

Green homes have become the trend of today’s life. They are less expensive and eco friendly. The materials used in the construction of such homes are natural. Green homes are long lasting and don’t cause environmental pollution. There are many builders who can guide in building green homes. These kinds of homes are very […]

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