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We Bid You Come: Global Community Communications Alliance & Avalon Organic Gardens, Farm, & Ranch

December 28, 2009

Global Community Communications Alliance and Global Change Music Non-Profit Record Label founder Gabriel of Urantia talks about the sacred vision of Avalon Organic Garden, Farm, and Ranch in Tumaca… Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Fairview Gardens Organic Farm Nestled In An Urban Area Of Goleta California

December 22, 2009

We visited Fairview Gardens in Goleta, California on a sunny winter afternoon, for an informative tour of the farm given by Tynes Viar, the Director of Development and Sustainability. Fairview Gard… Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Wind Farm Turbine Protest In Ontario Canada

December 15, 2009

Wind turbine Protest video filmed at the Grand-Opening of the Enbridge Wind Farm in the Municipality of Kincardine. People from across came together in the Municipality of Kincardine to protest bo… Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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The Paper Farm. Stop Recycling And Save The Planet.

December 14, 2009

where’s paper come from, cutting down forests like some people want you to believe? No, it doesn’t come from the “rain forest” it is grown in farms. So use more paper and support the growing of p… Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Pickens Calls Off Massive Wind Farm In Texas

December 13, 2009

Plans for the world’s largest wind farm in the Texas Panhandle have been scrapped and energy baron T. Boone Pickens says he’s now looking for a home for 687 giant wind turbines. (July 7) Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Siemens Wind Energy – Buffalo Gap Wind Farm: Abilene, Texas

December 7, 2009… A tour of the Buffalo Gap Wind Farm during an interview with Siemens Wind Energy The Buffalo Gap Wind Farm is located in Nolan and Taylor Counties, about 20 miles … Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Urban Chef Visits Organic British Chicken Farm – Bbc

December 5, 2009

Oliver travels to an organic chicken farm to see the chickens that he may be buying for his new London restaurant. More great cooking shows from BBC food. Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Wind Turbine Noise – Suncor Wind Farm Ripley

November 28, 2009

Noise from wind turbines at the Suncor wind farm Ripley Ont. Even though it has a 700 meter setback people are suffering from lack of sleep. They have also lost the enjoyment of their property. Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Aeroponics Farm Grows Organic Aeroponic Food

November 27, 2009

Aeroponic farm grows organic aeroponic food for chefs and restaurants. see Video courtesy Denver Channel 7 News Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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1kw Wind Turbine With At Wind Farm

November 26, 2009

footage of a Zephyr AirDolphin 1kW wind turbine installed by siGEN Ltd for Scottish Power at Blacklaw Windfarm in Lanarkshire, Scotland, UK Windspeed is 15-20MPH and the turbine is producing 500-8… Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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