Posts tagged as:


How does the volcano in Iceland affect Fresh Flowers in South Africa? – Go By Bike Episode 7

June 23, 2010 . As a nod to Earth Day, Elise Giddings from Cycle 9 talks about our global connections, including how a volcanic eruption has worldwide ramifications. Go ByBike is a daily video series that talks about electric bikes, electric kits, cargo bikes, bike safety, getting motivated to bike, and how to ride more and use […]

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How It’s Made (Season 2 / Episode 05 / Part 2)

June 20, 2010

Discovery Channel: How It’s Made === 018 How It’s Made 2×05 (Hydroponic Lettuce, Construction Wood, Recycling, Fishing Flies) Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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The first rule of biking safely – Go By Bike Episode 2

June 16, 2010 . Elise Giddings from Cycle 9 discusses a key consideration when biking safely in traffic in Episode 2 of Go By Bike. This important safety tip is something that should be thought about before you even start your ride. Go ByBike is a daily video series that talks about electric bikes, electric kits, cargo […]

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Watch Your Back – bicycle safety tip #2 – Go By Bike Episode 8

June 8, 2010 . Elise Giddings from Cycle 9 gives another tip on bicycle safety. Go ByBike is a daily video series that talks about electric bikes, electric kits, cargo bikes, bike safety, getting motivated to bike, and how to ride more and use your car less. Using your car less reduces your carbon footprint, saves energy, […]

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Give your kids a cleaner, brighter future – Go By Bike Episode 3

May 25, 2010 . Elise Giddings from Cycle 9 discusses energy use, the environment, and one key thing we can do now to be green and give our kids a better future. Go ByBike is a daily video series that talks about electric bikes, electric kits, cargo bikes, bike safety, getting motivated to bike, and how to […]

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Peppa Pig Full Episode recycling

May 9, 2010

Peppa Pig, Recycling full complete episode, Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Food 360: Build Worm Bin – episode 2

May 1, 2010

Part 2 of 3: Yapo becomes familiar with Tommy’s household environment and they go to Target for supplies to build the bin. At Target, they meet a young lady also without a yard that is interested in putting together a worm bin. Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Green Gardening – Episode 2

April 11, 2010

Winter’s nearly upon us but at the allotment things are still in full swing. Planting broad beans, pruning back fruiting bushes and dividing strawberries is all on the menu for autumn Accompanying blog: Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Green Gardening – Episode 1

April 7, 2010

Gardening in the London suburbs, Geoff Wakeling – that’s me – looks at ways to save a bit of cash, and idea’s for recycling in the garden. I’ll also be doing a spot of gardening. In this episode I look at recycling toilet rolls and tin cans, and how you can save money by propagating…in […]

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Llvlc On Youtube: Real Food You Don’t Find In A Grocery Store (episode 75)

March 29, 2010

http://LivinLaVidaLowCarb.c… blogger Jimmy Moore and his wife Christine wanted to share just a few of the REAL FOODS you should be eating and enjoying as part of your low-carb lifestyle in the la… Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Llvlc On Youtube: Real Food You Don’t Find In A Grocery Store (episode 75)

March 29, 2010

http://LivinLaVidaLowCarb.c… blogger Jimmy Moore and his wife Christine wanted to share just a few of the REAL FOODS you should be eating and enjoying as part of your low-carb lifestyle in the la… Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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