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Dragons’ Den: Series 6: Episode 8 – 4 of 6

October 9, 2010 The series draws to a close, but not before the den doors are opened one last time to allow entrepreneurs the chance to pitch to the Dragons who have already pledged investment of well over a million pounds of their own money. Trying to convince the Dragons to part with their cash is 28-year-old […]

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Dragons’ Den: Series 6: Episode 8 – 3 of 6

October 8, 2010 The series draws to a close, but not before the den doors are opened one last time to allow entrepreneurs the chance to pitch to the Dragons who have already pledged investment of well over a million pounds of their own money. Trying to convince the Dragons to part with their cash is 28-year-old […]

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Episode 3 Sustainable Travel Tips

September 25, 2010

One Greener covers green travel. Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Everyday Hardcore Episode 24 – A medley of unrelated items

September 2, 2010

SHUT UP! We heard you! Yes, Ramen ‘Round the World is back. Also, a few words on recycling (so easy YOU can do it!), and some instructions on putting spikes on your clothes that can’t go through metal detectors. Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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How It’s Made (Season 2 / Episode 05 / Part 1)

August 13, 2010

Discovery Channel: How It’s Made === 018 How It’s Made 2×05 (Hydroponic Lettuce, Construction Wood, Recycling, Fishing Flies) Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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How It’s Made (Season 11 / Episode 3 / Part 1)

August 12, 2010

Discovery Channel: How It’s Made === 133 How It’s Made 11×03 (Pencils, Metal Recycling, Coffee) Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Episode 44

August 8, 2010

Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Episode 229 – How Bixi public bike sharing works in Montreal

August 4, 2010

Please visit us at or leave a comment. George and Shaolin Lu O’Neill are in Montreal demonstrating the ins and outs of the Bixi bike sharing system. Here’s how bikesharing works for a monthly subscription, you can unlock a rugged road bike from any of the over 400 Bixi stations much like taking out […]

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Today’s Green Minute – Episode 1: Cell Phones & Gorillas Earth Day

July 13, 2010

Cell Phones & Gorillas – Today’s Green Minute brings you information on green living and the environmental connection between recycling cell phones and Gorillas in the Congo. For more eco-friendly stories and news on how to be Green and protect the environment, visit The TGM series premiered on the 40th anniversary of Earth Day! […]

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Parking or Vacation? – Go By Bike Episode 4

July 8, 2010 . Elise Giddings from Cycle 9 tells a story of trade-offs and how biking can win out over driving. Go ByBike is a daily video series that talks about electric bikes, electric kits, cargo bikes, bike safety, getting motivated to bike, and how to ride more and use your car less. Using your car […]

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What Did You on the Weekend? – Go By Bike Episode 4

June 30, 2010 . Elise Giddings from Cycle 9 discusses the importance of taking breaks in life in order to maintain sanity. Go ByBike is a daily video series that talks about electric bikes, electric kits, cargo bikes, bike safety, getting motivated to bike, and how to ride more and use your car less. Using your car […]

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