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Recycle bins are containers that hold recyclable materials before they are collected by businesses that deal in waste. They are available in a variety of forms and sizes, depending on the material they store and the place where they are located, for example your recycle bin is much smaller than a company container for similar products. It is a common thing to have different containers for different materials (plastic bottles, paper, tin, aluminum cans or glass).

Recycle bins have different colors and signs, blue stands for metal and plastic while green is for paper. Many municipalities encourage their citizens to recycle more by offering free containers to store wasted materials. In many cities the lack of interest among the population regarding the recycling issue has forced the authorities to ask more advantageous taxes for those who sort their garbage.

For example Great Britain is making sustained efforts to recycle more and this is why many local governments have taken up the idea of different tax rates according to people’s interest in the recycle programs. Families that sort recycling materials would pay less than those who don’t. Furthermore special recycle bins will be needed for the best of project outcomes.

This differentiated tax proposal raised many debates, and very funny issues came into discussion. What if my neighbor places a compromising aluminum can in my plastic container? Beyond such joke situations, the proposal reinforces the importance of local recycling, and this is the attitude that helped Washington DC recycle more than 40% of their solid waste materials.

Almost all collecting companies want materials to be properly sorted by type, so this makes home users place several containers in a special garbage place. Sometimes only one is used if it can deposit all recycled materials separated. If you recycle only one or two products use simple recycle bins which are cheaper and don’t have the risk of mixing content.

Companies are more likely to need a larger number of recycle bins as compared to small businesses. A special container needs to be placed in each desk for the collection of recycle material. For other waste items such as sandwich paper bags, coffee cups and the like, special recycle bins need to be located in easy to access areas of the building. The main issue that appears for such cases is that of space, so that mixed content should not be a problem because of regular staff mistakes.

Muna wa Wanjiru Has Been Researching and Reporting on Recycling for Years. For More Information on Recycle bins, Visit His Site at RECYCLE BINS

