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Green Energy in Emerging Economies: Renewable investment, capacity growth, and future outlook
 Rapid growth in economy and energy consumption in non-OECD countries will need an expansion in the power generation market. Governments will increasingly be looking to develop renewable energies to avoid power shortages that would stunt development and therefore mitigate government objectives of raising living standards. Global economic and energy demand growth will be concentrated in developing economies, so there is much potential for the role of renewable energies in emerging markets to expand over the next two decades. Although conventional forms of energy will still dominate the energy mix, the expansion of power-generating capacity in emerging markets will at least partly be supplied by growth in wind, solar, bio and hydropower. ( )
 The BRIC – Brazil, Russia, India and China – countries and other emerging markets are facing the twin challenges of promoting economic growth while mitigating the environmental impact of their growth strategies. While there is criticism that countries such as India and China have balked from making more firm commitments to cutting their GHG emissions, both these countries nevertheless have prioritized renewable energy development as part of their strategy to reduce the carbon intensity of their respective economies per unit of GDP. Therefore, developing economies led by the BRIC countries are playing an increasingly crucial role, not just in the global economic order, but also in the climate change debate and in the dynamics of global energy supply and demand.
 Use this report to…
 • Achieve a quick and comprehensive understanding of the renewable energy sector in the major emerging economies.
 • Realize up-to-date competitive intelligence through an extensive review of the different forms of renewable energy and the different rates of development depending on the country.
 • Assess the policy goals of the emerging economies regarding renewable energy and how these are driving capacity expansion.
 • Identify which forms of renewable energy and which markets have the greatest growth potential for renewable energy.
 • Identify the main drivers and resistors to growth for all the main renewable energy sources in each of the major emerging economies.
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Pyrolysis is an Emerging Green Technology

November 25, 2009

Pyrolysis is an emerging technology and its green credentials when the feed is biomass are top notch. Everyone who has lit a wood or coal fire and watched it burn has seen pyrolysis. Pyrolysis is usually the first chemical reaction that occurs in the burning of many solid organic fuels, like wood, cloth, and paper, […]

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