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How Does Solar Energy Work Explained

December 8, 2009 To Find out how to generate free energy from your home and save on your power bill visit: solar ases solar builders solar society unde… Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Does An Industrial Scale Wind Turbine Sound Like A Refrigerator To You?

December 6, 2009

Wind developers the state of Wisconsin want to put industrial scale wind turbines that are 40 stories tall 1000 feet from people’s homes. That’s about 350 steps. They tell us at this distance, thes… Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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How Does Solar Power Generate Energy

December 5, 2009 – How Does Solar Power Generate Energy How Does Solar Power Work? You get billed for only the difference between what you use from the power company and what solar ene… Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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How Does Energy Get From The Gas Flame Into The Middle Of The Potato?

December 5, 2009

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Why Does Iran A Country With One Of The World’s Largest Gas Reserves Need Nuclear Energy?

December 4, 2009

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What Does Living Green Mean to You

December 3, 2009

  I think everybody has the same basic concept of what living green is. Basically it’s making the earth healthier so that we, the inhabitants, can live healthier. But beyond that what does it mean to you on a personal level? Are your reasons for living green humanitarian or personal?   What […]

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Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary, How Does Your Garden Grow?

December 1, 2009

You’ve dreamt of a giant lawn with lush, green grass for years, ever since you moved from your parents’ home to the small apartment that occupied your twenties. Now that you have a house, you have a yard. There’s only one problem: it’s not the verdant landscape you imagined, or at least, it won’t be […]

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Does Anyone Have Any Good Ideas For Recycling Glass Peanutt Butter Jars?

November 27, 2009

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What Does ‘organic’ Really Mean?

November 27, 2009

Join us at Warborne Farm in Lymington as we find out what exactly the organic food label really means. You’ll discover what it means for the farm workers, how the farmers keep pests at bay, manage… Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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What Does ‘organic’ Really Mean?

November 27, 2009

Join us at Warborne Farm in Lymington as we find out what exactly the organic food label really means. You’ll discover what it means for the farm workers, how the farmers keep pests at bay, manage… Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Green Car Sales Accelerate But Does That Mean Cheaper Car Insurance?

November 21, 2009

Talk about green cars has gone on for a long time now but only until recently has this talk been matched by action. Recent releases by some the world’s top brands has seen green cars become very popular. As well as green cars, electric cars are also seeing an upturn in fortunes as people look […]

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