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Co’s used: Orange Star- Sensei and Grimm Blue Moon- Eagle and Sami Green Earth- Grit and Max Enemy Co’s: Kindle and Olaf New Co’s Eagle Pros- All air unit’s firepower is increased, and all air units consume two less fuel per turn (helicopters will not consume any fuel per turn) Cons- All sea units are very weak Co Power: Lightning Drive- All non-infantry units can move again, but with weakened firepower. Infantry units are not affected by the firepower reduction. Super Co Power: Lightning Strike- All non-infantry units can move again, and with increased firepower Tags: Drake- 2 Star Tag (+15% Firepower) Sami- 3 Star Tag (+20% Firepower) Andy- 2 Star Tag (+15% Firepower) Tag Powers- Storm Watch (w/ Drake), Earth and Sky (w/ Sami) and Air Lift (w/ Andy) Sami Pros- All infantry-type unit’s firepower is greatly increased, and can capture buildings 1.5X the rate (a infantry unit with 10H will capture 15 points per turn) Cons- All direct non-infantry units are slightly weakened Co Power: Double Time- All infantry and mech units gain additional firepower and can move one additional space Super Co Power: Victory March- All infantry-type unit’s firepower is greatly increased, they can move two additional spaces, and all captures during that turn is instant (meaning an infantry with 1HP can capture a building with 20 capture points left) Tags: Eagle- 3 Star Tag (+20% Firepower) Sonja- 1 Star Tag (+10% Firepower) Tag Powers- Earth and Sky (w/ Eagle) and Girl Power (w/ Sonja) Grit


Do It In The Dark

May 17, 2011

Do It In The Dark – an energy saving competition between Rocky and Mathey colleges at Princeton, Dec. 8-12 2008. Reduce energy use, win prizes! Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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WE Full Metal Dark Dragon (SOLD $70)

August 4, 2010

Link to the Ebay Page This is an extremely nice Gas Blow Back airsoft gun. It has a great weight. This pistol has only been used in one skirmish that lasted about an hour. There have been a total of around 8 magazines of ammo put through this pistol. Because of this the pistol […]

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Dark Circles Under The Eyes.

April 20, 2010

New Commission Share! Go Ahead Sell It, You’ll Make More Money Than Us… Dark Circles Under The Eyes. Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Energy saving light bulb glowing in the dark

April 4, 2010

Image taken on 2008-11-27 01:07:41 by NUkiwi. Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Where Can I Buy Orange Gardening Gloves With A Dark Green Band At The Wrist?

November 8, 2009

{questions} Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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