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Shiho demonstrates how to wrap any box-shaped gift with a basic furoshiki technique. Part 2 of a 3-part series on Japanese fabric gift wrapping. Check out Shiho’s Green Studio blog for more info on this and other crafts: Music is “Storm” by the Yoshida Brothers.


Multi-Color Chasing LED Christmas Nets

August 15, 2011

Start Shopping: Put some sparkle in your holiday display this year by adding an 8-Function Controller to your LED multi-color Christmas light nets. This video shows a 4.5′ x 8.5′ net — great for indoor or outdoor use! Our controllers let you customize your display effects easily (sparkling, waves, sequential, fading, etc). Enjoyed this […]

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Multi-Color Chasing LED Christmas Lights (Conical)

August 10, 2011

Start Shopping: Put some sparkle in your holiday display this year by adding an 8-Function Controller to your multi-color LED Christmas lights. Our LED lights are long lasting, energy-efficient and beautiful — 70 LED’s per string and only 5 Watts! Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Our 65000 Christmas lights dance to Fox NFL theme song – 100% Energy efficient LEDs

May 1, 2011 Our 65000 energy efficient LED Christmas lights display, shot with my Canon Vixia HF10 using my own custom settings. Our display is energy saving 100% LEDs, with 144 channels from 9 Light-o-Ramacomputerized lighting controllers. I act as orchestrater, tell the lights when to turn on or off, fade, twinkle, etc. An MP3 player […]

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Our 65000 energy efficient LED Christmas lights display dances to Star Trek Voyager theme song

November 12, 2010 Our 65000 energy efficient LED Christmas lights display, shot with my Canon Vixia HF10 using my own custom settings. Our display is energy saving 100% LEDs, with 144 channels from 9 Light-O-Ramacomputerized lighting controllers. I act as orchestrater, tell the lights when to turn on or off, fade, twinkle, etc. An MP3 player […]

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Linda Mason Hunter, Green Christmas, WHO-TV Channel 13, Iowa

October 24, 2010

WHO-TV’s Green Christmas piece featuring Linda Mason Hunter. This piece posted for her website at Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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How to make christmas bows!

September 6, 2010

I found this on, and it’s so amazingly simple!! And good for the environment! Yay 😀 music used with permission from A Day Called Desire Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Warringah Christmas Collections Pt 1

August 29, 2010

I shot this little series up during a Christmas collection in my area on the last day of 2008. As I followed the truck around with my camera, it was hard to mistake the excess garbage in the overfilled bins, the lucky magpies digging through the celebration leftovers and all the crap scattered everywhere by […]

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Christmas EDI Action Week 1-Part 1

August 22, 2010

Well, #64 came for greens and 61/60 for trash and recycling. The driver of #60 presents to you a nice Christmas gift (I know, very funny…he presents a gift…) in this video! Also, this is my first youtube video taken with my new camcorder! I think it worked out pretty well, except that it picks […]

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Woodland Trust Launches Annual Christmas Card Recycling Scheme

August 22, 2010

If everyone in the UK recycles just one Christmas card with the Woodland Trust this year, the UK’s leading woodland conservation charity will be able to plant 15,000 trees. So imagine how many trees the charity could plant if everyone recycles all their cards in the special bins at WHSmith, Tesco, TK Maxx and […]

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Dreaming of a White Christmas? Why Next Year’s Colour is Green

August 3, 2010

And if the forecasts are correct, the ‘El Nino’ effect will bring even better conditions across the Atlantic for 2007/8. But what about Europe which still attracts the majority of British skiers? There have been worse seasons in Europe than last year – the end of the 1980’s were notably bad but resorts across Europe […]

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