If you wish to live in a green house or eco-friendly dwellings, you might have a hard time identifying if it is truly green. What are the qualifiers for a green house? Here is a checklist that will guide you in determining the features of a green house and the advantages of living in a green house.
Location: Green houses and communities must not be on environmentally sensitive areas like farmland, wetlands and endangered animals surroundings. The ideal sites are “in-fill” properties like past parking lots, rail yard, shopping center and factories. Pick a location wherein you can have an easy access to public transportation like bus lines, light rail and subways systems. In this way, you can leave your car at home. It must also be near the park, school and stores. Everything must be accessible as possible so that you can simply use your bicycle if you want something. It will not just save you from fuel. It will help you become healthy as well.
Size: Bear in mind that if the lot is big, it needs greater heating, air conditioning and lighting. And this is like spending double on your light bill. A smaller house will help you save more energy. Though, the house does not have to be very small, just enough to accommodate you and your family.
Design of the building: Your house must be located in an area that can maximize the supply of natural daylight. In this way, you can lessen the use of lighting requirements and take advantage of the humidity. Make use of the parts of our house to bring light inside. Shading devices such as sunshades, canopies, green screens and trees will help you control the amount of daylight that comes inside. Dual glaze windows minimize the heat during hot weather and heat loss during cold season. Roofs that are light-colored and have a high reflector feature are included on the list of green house qualifiers.
Environment-friendly construction materials: A green house must use healthy and non toxic materials and fixtures. If you use wood in some parts, make sure they come from renewable sources such as bamboo. It is highly recommended to use eco-products because they are made of mostly organic and recycled materials.
Energy-saving appliances: As much as possible pick appliances and devices that are have energy saving features, you can begin fromm your lights, heater, cooler and other necessary tools. Some of them might be a little bit expensive, but once you use them you can see that they are all worth the price.
Front Yard Landscape: Your landscape has a major role in the external appearance of your house. You have to make appealing as possible. When you look for ornaments and plants, be sure to place it in such a way that it can help minimize heat islands. The plants you use must be able to bear the droughts.
Finding a green house can have a lot of things that must be considered. But the benefits you can get and the act of saving the environment are much more than the value of the house.
Looking for more real estate properties? Visit these sites Green Housing in Ahwatukee Community AZ, Anthem Green Homes and Green Property in Apache Junction.
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