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Harvard Business School students, Eric Hepfer and Carol Choy, produced this video to kick off the annual RC (first year) Green Cup challenge. This year long competition pits the 10 RC section against each other in multiple green-themed challenges. It is a fun and competitive way for the Harvard Office for Sustainability and HBS Green Living Program to encourage behavioral change and educate students about ways they can reduce their environmental footprint at Harvard and beyond.


The 2009 Architecture Challenge: Classroom: 7 MODEL MAKING

May 22, 2011

Ivan Stirk of Rogers+Stirk Partners talks about model making techniques showing some very cool models of projects from his firm. The 2009 Architecture Challenge: Classroom webcasts share a series of conversations about architecture and design between students and architects from around the world. These webcasts provide insights into the challenges, opportunities, and techniques of using […]

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What the Flush?! – Challenge 1

April 13, 2011

It’s rare that we do toilet humor, we know. But hey, it’s rare that we have girls in bikinis, and we when made “The Allergy” no one was complaining! =P btw, Please don’t ACTUALLY do this. It was for a joke, we hope you got it. Good. Now go and conserve water a normal, CLEAN […]

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RIT on TV News: Green Challenge

March 9, 2011

RIT President Bill Destler discusses plans for the Green Challenge scheduled at this year’s Imagine RIT: Innovation and Creativity Festival during WXXI-TV’s (Channel 21) Need to Know program. Anchor: And how did Rochester Institute of Technology President William Destler get here? Not sure the weather was right for that bicycle, but thats what were going […]

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The 100 Mile Challenge – Trailer – Food Network Canada

February 28, 2011

Watch “The 100 Mile Challenge” Premiering APRIL 5th 2009 on Food Network Canada Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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The Aquaponics Challenge with Michael Shames (in less than 3 minutes)

February 5, 2011

Time lapse of the construction of Michael Shames’ new aquaponics system in his garage. Michael chose to grow assorted lettuces, basil, tomatoes, peppers and french green beans. For more information visit Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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The 2009 Architecture Challenge: Classroom: 3 SUSTAINABLE BUILDING

January 31, 2011

Eric Corey Freed of Organic Architecture talks to students about the importance of sustainable building design. The 2009 Architecture Challenge: Classroom webcasts share a series of conversations about architecture and design between students and architects from around the world. These webcasts provide insights into the challenges, opportunities, and techniques of using sustainable design and green […]

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The Green Challenge

December 28, 2010

Green living brings in ethics, where the choices arent always clear-cut and easy Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Brooks SChool Green Cup Challenge Video

December 27, 2010

Student video highlighting global warming concerns. Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Lights Out – Challenge 3

December 24, 2010

Thanks for your suggestions on ways for us to be more eco-friendly! Why are we doing these Ecomagination videos? Watch: Check out the other 2 ideas: Water Ain’t No Thang! What the Flush? Music by: George Shaw georgeshawmusic.como TWITTER ‪http VISIT OUR STORE ‪‬ SUBSCRIBE! ‪http OFFICIAL ‪‬ FACEBOOK ‪http Enjoyed […]

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Mother Nature Network: EcoCar Challenge competition

December 17, 2010

EcoCar, a college green car competition sponsored by General Motors and the Department of Energy, features 16 teams in neck-and-neck competition in Yuma, Arizona. Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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