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ZenWorlds video Zencast #22 brings you through a mini chakra balancing meditation, explains the energies associated with each chakra and helps each user visualize bringing each chakra into balance and uses chakra tuning forks to restore vibrational balance. Listen in a calm environment while sitting in a comfortable position or laying down. Never listen to any ZenWorlds meditations while operating machinery or vehicle. This ZenCast uses chakra tuning forks that vary in frequency. Use caution or discontinue use if you have a tremor disorder as it may trigger an onset of tremor symptoms.


The Balancing Act Show 894 – Perf Go Green

February 2, 2010

Here’s a way in which you can help reduce harmful carbon emissions into the environment… Use public transportation whenever possible… Carpool, shop locally, and ideally switch t… Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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