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Arnie invokes Holdrens absurd alarmism about sea levels in desperate effort to prop up crumbling edifice of climate change scam. Paul Joseph Watson Hitler-admiring Governor of California Arnold Schwarzenegger is having to resort to his wobbly acting skills in a desperate effort to rescue the crumbling edifice of the global warming fraud by recycling debunked alarmist propaganda about rising sea levels. With climategate sending shockwaves through the warmist scientific community, Schwarzenegger was dragged out to peddle absurd myths about areas of San Francisco being submerged underwater as a result of temperature increases that have failed to materialize for the last ten years. A map of how California will be affected by climate change in the future was unveiled yesterday by state governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, reports the Daily Mail. The map, which demonstrates the devastating effects of global warming in just a century, shows how San Francisco Airport would be completely underwater if sea levels were to rise by 150cm (60in). Within a century, Treasure Island, this place where we are right now, could be totally under water, the governor said. It is technology in the end that will save us. Ludicrous fearmongering about sea levels has long been a staple of climate change alarmism. Crude Hollywood-style propaganda about doomsday sea levels is intimately linked with bad science the laughably incorrect climate models that were circulating in the 1970s

