Ways for Recycling Wallpaper

May 9, 2010 · 0 comments

in recycling

If you have old, out dated wallpaper hanging in your home, then there may come a day when you want to redecorate. You may decide that the old wallpaper must go and change your walls to a brighter more neutral tone. You may also decide to put new wallpaper on. What ever decision you decide to make, you need to consider what you are going to do with your old wallpaper. For many of us, it is simply a case of stripping it off and throwing it in the garbage. Unfortunately, when this happens the old wallpaper ends up in dumps and landfills. Today, we are encouraged, more and more to reduce the amount of waste we produce through reusing and recycling. You may be surprised but wallpaper many times can be recycled and reused for a variety of different crafts.

Before your strip that old floral pattern away from your walls, check into what your area offers in the area of recycling. You will probably be surprised at what there actually is. Chances are they will have paper recycling in one form or another. By recycling your old wallpaper, you are reducing the amount of garbage that ends up in landfills. Landfills are a source for methane gas. Methane is one of the gases that are detrimental to our ozone layer. The Fewer items that end up in landfills the harder it are for this process to take place.

Another idea for your old wallpaper is schools and day care centers. Many times they are happy to except these as donations. Wallpaper makes the perfect item in making cards, book covers, invitations and various other arts and crafts. Schools day care centers and even libraries are usually very grateful for any donations of this sort.

If your are looking to redecorate, definitely give careful consideration to what you will do with your old wallpaper. They less paper we use, the fewer trees are needed. When wallpaper is recycled it cuts down on landfill waste and methane gas. Look into recycling your old wallpaper and do our planet a favor

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