Need of recycling plastic bottles

October 9, 2010 · 0 comments

in recycling

Plastic bottles are found everywhere. They help us in getting required liquid products more easily than glass. Use of plastic bottles harms the environment a lot. We need to recycle them to keep them out of our land fields. Plastic bottles recycling improve the emission of Greenhouse Gases up to a large extent. About 7.4 cubic yards of landfills area are saved if we recycle 1 ton of plastic products.

Oil is one of the major requirements of modern times. Oil is a non-renewable source of energy and it needs to be saved as much as we can. This is the best part of plastic bottle recycling that the process does not require oil usage. And thus, much oil is saved. Making new plastic bottles require more oil but on the other hand, reprocessing doesn’t require the same.

One needs to use a bin for plastic bottles despite of throwing them here and there. When large numbers of bottles are stored, one needs to take help of nearby bottle recycling community. With simple steps, people and communities can work together to save this earth we live on. In Canada, several communities are actively working towards plastic bottles reprocessing.

BC Bottle Depot is active in different locations of Canada which is taking the environment-friendly initiative of reprocessing used plastic bottles. This recycling firm encourages people from Surrey, Vancouver, Walnut Grove and Maple Ridge to work towards the welfare of environment by participating in the process of plastic bottle recycling.

BC Bottle Depot works with the objective of saving environment from harmful effects of plastic. Plastic bottles do not decompose but through reprocessing they can be used more than once and in different forms. This environment-friendly depot also encourages trash donors to bring their old plastic lidded bottles for recycling process and hence, take the environment-friendly initiative forward.






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