How to Recycle Printer Cartridges in San Diego

June 8, 2010 · 0 comments

in recycling

Recycling printer cartridges is not just some growing fad that is happening these days.  It is a sign that many people are finally taking seriously the call to conserve the planet’s dwindling natural resources and to save it from further harm caused by waste products.  The additional bonus is that people can actually save money, if not earn a little money, from recycling printer cartridges.

Why Recycle Printer Cartridges?

For some people, the printer cartridge is nothing more than a small plastic case containing ink for the printers that they use.  However, as small as a printer cartridge may be, it represents a degree of sophistication reached by the developments in printer technology.

Each printer cartridge is made of plastic, and plastic is a byproduct of oil. We all know that oil is a fossil fuel that is drilled from the bowels of the earth.  But other than that, each printer cartridge has bits of metal on it, usually copper and nickel, especially on the places that serve as nodes connecting the cartridge to the printer head itself.

And then, the ink that each printer cartridges contain is made up of various chemicals that may prove harmful if disposed carelessly in a landfill.  They can seep into the ground water and end up contaminating it.

Recycling Printer Cartridges in San Diego

There are many ways by which you can recycle printer cartridges in San Diego.  The easiest thing to do in recycling printer cartridges when you live in San Diego is simply to visit a recycling center that accepts printer cartridges.  You can also go to printing shops that recycle printer cartridges.

If you are wondering where these recycled printer cartridges end up, you can be assured that they are put to good use.  Most of the time, they are refilled with remanufactured ink and resold.  This process extends the life of a printer cartridge.  You can even take advantage of this by having a shop that is involved in recycling printer cartridges to refill your printer cartridges for you and deliver them for you to reuse.

When reusing is no longer possible, the only means left to recycling printer cartridges is to extract the plastic and metallic materials with which they are made.  These materials are then put to use as different products.

Earning from Recycling Printer Cartridges

Recycling printer cartridges is certainly a way of helping in the effort to save the environment.  The good and bubbly feelings that we should get from recycling printer cartridges should be enough of a benefit to encourage us to keep doing it.

Many recycling centers, however, push this a little bit further by offering points and rewards to people who come to them to recycle printer cartridges.  This can be great in raising a bit of cash.

This article is written by Brenda Stokes. A longer version of this article is at Inkjet Printer Cartridge Recycling Franchises and main source of this article is Discount Printer Ink Cartridges.

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