*SONG MIX BY NORWEGIAN RECYCLING!!* PLEASE watch in HD!! — music by: Norwegian Recycling – How six songs collide textures: abernathi program used: Sony Vegas 8.0 Couples/songs: SUMMER AND SETH (THE OC) – I’m yours BROOKE AND JULIAN (OTH) – Collide CHUCK AND BLAIR (GOSSIP GIRL) – Superman BROOKE AND LUCAS (OTH) – Always getting over you HOUSE AND CUDDY (HOUSE MD) – All that I need JAKE AND PEYTON (OTH) – Here without you — SO, as I promised, a new LONG video:) I finally finished this! It took exactly 9 hours to render, and I worked a whole week on it, so I REALLY hope you are gonna like this:) ENJOY Awww, and THANKS SO MUCH FOR YOUR B-DAY WISHES! IT MEANS EVERYTHING:) — BACKUP YT ACCOUNT: it.youtube.com BACKUP IMEEM ACCOUNT: www.imeem.com BAM VID VAULT ACCOUNT: bamvidvault.ning.com — ALL OF THE CLIPS AND SONG USED BELONG TO THEIR RESPECTIVE OWNERS. NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED. MADE FOR FUN NOT PROFIT. — “Empty Conversations filled with empty words”
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